On 5/15/22 23:21, secretsnail9 via agora-business wrote:
> On Sun, May 15, 2022 at 7:08 PM Edward Murphy via agora-official <
> agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
>> I resolve elections as follows. Quorum for each is 4.
>> Arbitor
>>    Murphy      - endorse Jason
>>    Jason       - Jason
>>    ais523      - Jason
>>    Madrid      - secretsnail
>>    G.          - (Jason, secretsnail)
>>      Jason 4, secretsnail 1; Jason wins
>> Prime Minister
>>    Murphy      - (Murphy, nix)
>>    Jason       - (Jason, nix, Murphy, secretsnail, G.)
>>    ais523      - (Murphy, Jason, nix)
>>    nix         - (nix, Murphy, Jason)
>>    duck        - secretsnail
>>    Madrid      - secretsnail
>>    G.          - (nix, Murphy)
>>    secretsnail - (secretsnail, nix)
>>      secretsnail 3, Murphy/nix 2, Jason 1; Jason is eliminated
>>      nix/secretsnail 3, Murphy 2; Murphy is eliminated
>>      nix 5, secretsnail 3; nix wins
>> Registrar
>>    Murphy      - endorse nix
>>    Jason       - endorse nix
>>    ais523      - nix
>>    duck        - secretsnail
>>    secretsnail - secretsnail
>>    nix         - (nix, secretsnail)
>>    Madrid      - secretsnail
>>    G.          - (secretsnail, nix)
>>      nix 4, secretsnail 3; nix wins
> Note: every voter above has 3 voting strength except for Madrid who has a
> voting strength of 2
> CFJ, submitting to Referee : Jason is the Arbitor, nix is the Prime
> Minister, and nix is the Registrar
> Arguments AGAINST: None of the elections contain a "tally" of the voters'
> valid ballots, which is necessary for the resolutions to be EFFECTIVE. The
> lists of players and their ballots have no sums, and are not even grouped
> by what each ballot is, which is hardly a tally.
> CFJ 1710 very clearly sets a precedent that a tally is a sum:
> https://github.com/AgoraNomic/cases/blob/6cd01d92c5513424dbe585687357b35d34c80e6d/1710

CFJ 1710 only directly suggests that a sum is sufficient (even when
accompanied by an indirect listing), but not that a listing is not also

Even so, I'd argue that a natural language meaning of "tally" of the
ballots includes just listing all of them, and to the extent there is
textual ambiguity, game custom heavily suggests this works.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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