I submit the following proposal:
Title: Ministry of Vagabonds
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: 4st
Co-author(s): nix, Madrid, secretsnail9, Jason

Ministry Location (or just Location) is a secured active player switch,
tracked by the Ministor in eir monthly report,
with possible values Ministry of Vagabonds (the default) and any Ministry.

An active player CAN Plan to Flip eir own Ministry Location,
specifying any valid value for eir Ministry Location, by announcement.
When the rules state that it's the wandering,
every active player's Ministry Location is set to the value e most
recently specified by Planning to Flip. If a player did not Plan to Flip
eir Ministry Location switch since the last wandering, it not Flipped.

It's the wandering at the beginning of each month.

A player is considered Freshly Ministrated when eir Location Flips.
A player is considered Reministrated when a wandering occurs and eir
Location is not flipped, and e is not Freshly Ministrated.
A player is considered Refreshedly Ministrated when e is Reministrated,
or if e is Freshly Ministrated.

The following rules apply, with e referring to a player with that Location:
- Ministry of Victories:
  If e is the only player with eir Location as the
  Ministry of Victories, e CAN, once by announcement, win. If e
  wins in this way, eir Location is Flipped to the Ministry of Vagabonds.
  When e is Freshly Ministrated, e CAN, once by announcement, gain 10
- Ministry of Minting:
  When e is Refreshedly Ministrated, e CAN,
  once by announcement, grant 5 stamps of eir own print to emself.
- Ministry of Justice:
  When e is Refreshedly Ministrated, e CAN,
  once by announcement, remove up to 4 blots from emself.
- Ministry of Vagabonds:
  When e is Reministrated,  e can no longer Plan to Flip eir own Location,
  but instead simply Flips eir own Location,
  specifying any valid value for eir Location, once by announcement.
  Once e has Flipped Locations in this way,
  e must once again Plan to Flip Locations
  instead of simply Flipping Locations.
- Ministry of Engineering:
  E can Flip the Device to either on or off with Agoran Consent.
  E can act on behalf of the device to take any
  action the device may take by announcement.
- Ministry of Beasts:
  E can buy bird food by paying a fee of 3 boatloads of coins.
  E can buy a Beast Permit by paying a fee of 40 boatloads of coins
  E can renew a Beast Permit by paying a fee of 20 boatloads of coins
- Ministry of Gardens:
  Once per stone collection period, e can pay a fee of N boatloads of
  specifying one stone e owns, and that stone has their escape chance
  reduced by N%, to a minimum of 0%,
- Ministry of Power: Eir Voting Strength is 1 greater.

(My intent here is to provide specialization, but also the game of Chicken,
who is willing to leave the Ministry of Victories alone?
Who wants sweet sweet points? Suggestions, etc, are welcome.)

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