I submit the following proposals:
Title: Welp, that doesn't do anything
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: 4st
Amend rule 2645 "The Stones" by replacing the text
"A specified player (defaulting to the
wielder if not specified) hereby Buys Strength 3 times."
with "Nothing happens."
Amend rule 2645 "The Stones" by replacing the text
"A specified player
 (defaulting to the wielder if not specified) gains the Grant
 associated with eir Focus."
with "Nothing happens."

Title: Writing on the Blank Stone
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: 4st

Enact a new rule with the title "Oh we can write on it!" and power=2.1:
Any player, other than the owner of the Blank Stone,
CAN with 2 Agoran consent,
provide an escape chance (hereby C) and a single paragraph of scroll text
(hereby T).
Upon doing so, amend rule 2645 "The Stones" by
replacing the entire entry for Blank Stone with
"- Blank Stone (monthly,C%): T",
where C and T in this string are the provided escape chance, and scroll
text, respectively.

Title: Ticking Stone
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: 4st

Amend the rule "The Stones" by adding another paragraph:
"- Ticking Stone (Monthly, 70%): Upon wielding, the wielder CAN and SHALL
Flip the Device On or Off.
   Upon wielding, the wielder can act on behalf of the device to take any
   action the device may take by announcement in the same message."
Then, create the Ticking Stone under the ownership of Agora.

Title: Tasty Stone
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: 4st

Amend the rule "The Stones" by adding another paragraph:
"- Tasty Stone (Monthly, 70%): A specified bird that is owned by a player is
        transferred to the wielder."
Then, create the Tasty Stone under the ownership of Agora.
  • BUS: The Stones Forest Sweeney via agora-business

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