On 11/8/23 16:03, 4st nomic via agora-business wrote:
> Referee:
> I encourage (not petition) you to look at CFJ 4022 for judgement of the
> violation of no faking of these statements.
> I am personally of the opinion that this was unnecessary and an abuse of
> your office, as trivially, none of these statements are falsy as per that
> CFJ.

Abuse of what office?

And, that case held two primary things: (1) that "As Referee" merely
constituted a factual statement that you were Referee (for the purposes
of No Faking), and (2) there was not a preponderance of the evidence
that you knew or should have known that "collecting taxes" was not

Neither of those holdings is relevant here. You made a series of false
statements which are falsy (many of them are nonsense and thus obviously
false, so you knew or should have known they were false; the others you
likely at least believed to be false), and you made them explicitly
under penalty of No Faking. That is sufficient to violate the Rule.

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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