quazie wrote:
I curse Goethe and Zefram.

I contemplate how curses can be incorporated into agora.

Proto-Proposal "I curse thee!"

*I want some interesting play mechanics, but i don't think that VC will allow the idea i have. As chromodynamics failed we have no real currency. I will gladly help anyone to come up with a currency system that will allow for some sort of new play mechanism.*

Create a new rule of power (i'm not sure what power this would need) entitled "Curses" with the following text

A player may expend a certain number of VC to place a curse on a player.

Curses are listed below with their effects and costs. The Herald (i assume the herald would be the best person) shall keep track of all curses. When a curse wears off it no longer effects the victim.

Curse of Blindness - a player may expend 2 vc and indicate 1 player and 1 proposal currently within its voting period. That player may not place any votes upon that proposal. This curse wears off at the end of the proposals voting period.

Curse of Silence - a player may expend 4 vc and indicate 1 player. Any undistributed proposal from that player can not be distributed for 1 agoran week. This curse wears off after 1 agoran week.

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