OscarMeyr wrote:
>    i.  All players have the obligation to abide by all the rules
>        currently in effect, in the form in which they are currently
>        in effect.

The whole point of re-writing R101 to talk about contract law
was so that Agoran Rules could be treated as a specific case
of a contract law.  The rules do still say that all players have to
abide by the rules, in Rule 1503:

>      In general, the Rules shall be adjudicated as if the Rules were
>      a binding agreement between all Players, entered into by every
>      player as a part of becoming a Player.  An actual or alleged
>      Rule violation shall be treated as the violation of a binding
>      agreement to be bound by the Rule or Rules in question.  

If you want to move this clause closer to R101, rather than "buried"
in R1503, that's ok, but please keep the contract-style language
intact.  Perhaps the following Proto is the simplist way:

Proto:  The Nature of the Rules

Rename Rule 1503 (Rules Violations) to be called "What are Rules?"

[This Rule is already a succinct description of how the Rules
relate to R101 rights].

The Rulekeepor is hereby requested to move Rule 1503 to
the category "the game of Agora", either immediately after
R101 or immediately before R2141.


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