BobTHJ wrote:

Create a rule called "Certification" with Power 1 that reads:

A Player must be certified to perform any of the following actions:
* Submitting a ballot for distributed proposals
* Supporting or opposing a dependent action
* Submitting a proposal for distribution
If a player who performs one of the above actions and is not certified to perform that action then that action is void and is treated as if the Player never attempted to perform that action.

Charging for proposals has historically led to stagnation.

Each License has an initial cost to purchase, and in addition each License requires a monthly renewal fee to be paid to the Agoran Treasury. Unless otherwise specified, the cost to purchase a License shall be $2,500, and the renewal fee for a license shall be $500. The Secretary of the Treasury shall collect renewal fees from each Licensee as soon as possible after the first of each month.

If this and the other proposals were adopted today, there would be 19
players (not counting HP3-14 who are going away soon) and 8 offices, and
we would need a minimum of two licenses (proposing and voting).  Let's
look at how quickly the total money supply would shrink:

  Initial funds = (19 * $1,000) - (2 * $2,500) = $14,000

  Monthly change = (8 * $500) - (19 * $200) - (2 * $500) = -$800

This would bankrupt all players in about a year and a half, plus
about one month per new registration.  Do you intend for the players
to have to vote themselves more money every few months?

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