Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:
I'll do that later when I have some time.  We're interpreting quorum
as calculated when the Assessor resolves the Agoran decision, right?

Nearly.  It's when the Assessor performs the calculations to determine the
results, which appears to be a distinct step that occurs finitely before
the posting of the results message that actually resolves the decisions.

I performed the calculations after Maud's deregistration and before
Yin Corp's registration, so I believe quorum was ceiling(25/3) = 9.

I'm not entirely clear on whether you've legally resolved proposals
4958-4969 yet, as the voting results that you published don't show the
true quorum.

They're not required to, but they are required by R208(d) to specify
the outcome of the Agoran decision.  I'll publish a clarification
after the Hanging Judge formally settles CFJs 1666-8.

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