On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 9:17 AM, ais523 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-07-14 at 11:09 -0400, ihope wrote:
>> Congratulations, Elliott Hird, you're a player.
>> --Ivan Hope CXXVII
> If tusho is a player, I transfer 24 VP to tusho.
> I attempt to act on behalf of tusho to cause them to transfer 24 VP to
> me. (Disclaimer: I believe this second attempted action will fail; I'm
> just combining two actions in such a way that I will transfer 24 VP to
> tusho iff they are a player and it is not true that anyone can act on
> behalf of them.)
> --
> ais523
I'm considering the transfer to ehird to be valid, but not the acting
on behalf to transfer it back.


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