On Monday 17 November 2008 01:39:53 pm Alex Smith wrote:
> First, the awards for authors:
> I award 4 points to Pavitra, the author of a puzzle.
> Then, the awards for correct answers:
> I award Wooble 8 points for the first correct answer to Prediction.
> I award Murphy 4 points for a correct answer to Prediction.
> I award woggle 4 points for a correct answer to Prediction.
> I award Sgeo 4 points for a correct answer to Prediction.
> I award as many points as possible to Pavitra (allowing for the
> fact that most of Enigma's points supply has been spent).

I think I get more PV from this than you think I do.

For reference:

10) The answer submission period for a list of puzzles ends one week
    after it begins.  As soon as possible after the end of a list's
    answer submission period, for each puzzle published by the
    contestmaster and having at least one eligible answer during
    that period, the contestmaster SHALL award points in this order,
    up to a maximum of P points per puzzle (where P is the maximum
    number of points that a contest CAN award per week per
    contestant).  For the purpose of this clause, contestanthood is
    measured at the end of the period.

    a) 4 points to its author.

    b) 8 points to the submitter of that puzzle's first eligible
    c) 4 points each to the submitters of all other eligible answers
       for that puzzle, in order of submission.
    d) As many points as possible to its author.

Note specifically the following:
  - P is the maximum number of points that a contest CAN award per
    week per contestant
  - for each puzzle ... the contestmaster SHALL award points ... up to
    a maximum of P point per puzzle

"As many points as possible" in d) is most naturally interpreted 
as "as many as remain before the maximum of P is reached", and this 
maximum is for each puzzle, not for each week.



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