Taral wrote:
> Unfortunately, the equity court is not empowered to change
> contestmaster. Nor can it directly award points to the parties.
> {{{
> Within 2 weeks of this equation coming into force, the parties to the
> Fantasy Rules Contest SHALL collectively ensure that a new
> contestmaster is selected and SHALL ensure that the contract is
> amended to permit the awarding points that could have been awarded
> under paragraph 6 in previous weeks but were not.
> }}}

The contract in question says:
5) The contestmaster CAN amend this contract without member objection.

In other words, this change can't plausibly be made unless either root
reactivates, or we flip the contestmaster using the mechanism in the rules;
the second method seems a lot more likely, especially as a new contestmaster
has to be selected. I'm contestmastering Enigma, so I can't contestmaster
the FRC too; anyone want to contestmaster the FRC (and get a contestmaster's
salary, hint hint)? Arguably, it's better for someone who /isn't/ involved
in the FRC currently to volunteer, as they wouldn't run into the problem of
a contestmaster's inability to award emself points.


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