On Fri, 8 May 2009, Aaron Goldfein wrote:
> On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Amend R2154 (Election procedure) by replacing:
>>      Any player CAN by announcement initiate...
>> with:
>>      Any player CAN, with Support, initiate an election...
> What if elections are just monthly or so instead of being whenever someone
> wants one?

We had a system like that before (quarterly not monthly).  

The good was that since it started automatically, an election wasn't
just started when you wanted to get rid of someone, and people
planned strategies or desired offices in advance.  Also, you
were pretty much guaranteed a quarter in office without worrying
about being replaced.

The bad was that it was too hard to get rid of a bad officer rather 
than too easy (it required a separate proposal to impeach which was 
a high hurdle with a strong social stigma).  There were a lot of 
elections that were noncontroversial and just added workload when 
everyone was happy with the current officer.

On balance, not good or bad just different.  Think of the grand
poobah for example; that highly political office would have 
really different dynamics if the holder knew e would hold it for a 
quarter no matter who e did or didn't promote.

There's no harm in re-introducing it if you like; right now the
main abuse in the current system is a hair-trigger on starting an
election just 'cause you're a bit pissed off at someone, so for
that one abuse a "with support" just helps a bit.


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