On Tue, 2009-05-26 at 13:58 -0400, comex wrote:
> No rule specifically allows R1551 (Ratification) to make Rule Changes.
>  Rule 106 previously read:
>       A proposal is a document outlining changes to be made to Agora,
>       including enacting, repealing, or amending rules, or making
>       other explicit changes to the gamestate.
> but now reads:
>       A proposal is a fixed body of text which has been made into a
>       proposal using a process specifically described in the Rules.  A
>       proposal SHOULD outline changes to be made to Agora, including
>       enacting, repealing, or amending rules, or making other explicit
>       changes to the gamestate.
> which arguably no longer grants permission to make Rule Changes.

Err, if proposals can't change the rules, and ratification can't change
the rules, what can? Does AIAN kick in?


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