On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 11:02 PM, Kyle Marek-Spartz <zeckal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>You at least heard of Agora before you joined it.
> I pledge to transfer a prop from myself to the first person who, while not a
> player and not barred from registering (either due to recent
> deregistration or non-personship), attempts to register before ever
> hearing of Agora.

By the way, just to prove a prop is owed, the following exchange has
just happened on AIM a little while ago.

(11:15:04 PM) craigbdaniel: Can I talk you into doing something
strange and unusual online for no good reason at all?
(11:15:40 PM) (Luke, whose sn I have censored): perhaps?
(11:15:47 PM) (Luke): what might I help you with, good sir?
(11:16:07 PM) craigbdaniel: It requires promising not to google
something before signing up on an e-mail list and posting one message
to it.
(11:16:20 PM) craigbdaniel: But first I have to confirm that the thing
you can't google isn't something you've heard of.
(11:16:23 PM) (Luke): OK
(11:16:26 PM) (Luke): go ahead
(11:16:39 PM) craigbdaniel: Does the word "Agora" mean anything not
directly related to either Greece or agoraphobia to you?
(11:16:56 PM) (Luke): there's a band called Aghora
(11:17:02 PM) craigbdaniel: Excellent.
(11:17:14 PM) craigbdaniel: Sign up on the mailing list whose
information is here:
(11:17:33 PM) craigbdaniel: then post one message to it explaining
that you have no clue what's going on but wish to join them anyway.
(11:17:55 PM) (Luke): Okies
(11:18:06 PM) craigbdaniel: once it's gone through I will explain everything.

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