On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> I'm still sorting it out, but I must say I wholly disagree with this bit.
> The Fora rule allows any player to make an announcement by sending a message
> via a public forum.  It is a simple inference from slave golem mechanisms to
> say that the slave's Master is part of the sending mechanism, i.e., a slave
> sends a message "via" the mechanism of eir master, which is no more strange
> that saying it happens "via" wires or "via" an email client.

That's my only argument, but I don't think your leap from a rule with
a condition (actions that are not otherwise IMPOSSIBLE) and a
mechanism (directly causing the Golem to take the action through a
rule effect) to a different mechanism (causing the Golem to send a
message) makes sense.  A rule saying you can cause the Golem to send a
message (like the Promises rule) would make (more) sense, but that's
not what this rule says.  Unless you're arguing that the "action" in
question is sending a message.

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