Is a space defined as 32?

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Kerim Aydin <> wrote:
> Name   : Odd
> Summary: Take as input a single line of integers in base 10, output the
>           odd numbers in the input line (in base 10) in order, and terminate.
> Par    : 284 (note: took me ~4 hours to find this not-fully optimized 
> solution)
> Details: For this starting exercise, input will assume to be sanitized to be:
>           - A single line of text, followed by a newline (10).
>           - Only consist of numeric characters [0-9], with a single space
>             between each integer.
>           - Contain at least 1 integer.
>           - The first character will be a digit.  The last character
>             immediately before the newline will be a digit.
>           - Should work for arbitrary length of input, though with size
>             of array and runtime limits, only up to 80 characters will
>             be expected to run.
>           Output will:
>           - produce 1 line consisting of the odd numbers from the input
>             separated by spaces, terminated by a newline, and exit.
>           - Output must be produced/triggered by the newline, not an EOF.
> Sample run:
> $ bf odd.b
> codesize: 284
> 12 45 834 9127 3
> 45 9127 3
> Run for 25355 steps.
> **************************************************************************
> Brainfuck Golf - full Contest Regulations.
> 1.  All persons start the game with 0 points.  The winner of the contest
>       is the first person to earn 200 points as described here.  All
>       first-class persons except the Contestmaster CAN earn points in this
>       Contest; 'person' hereafter refers to first-class persons only.
> 2.  All solutions must be written in Brainfuck (BF). BF will be
>       implemented in general as described here:
>       The Contestmaster will use the following code to evaluate programs:
>       The comments at the beginning of this code describe implementation-
>       specific issues for this contest.  The contestmaster CAN change the
>       code used for evaluation With Notice, by publishing a link to the
>       new code; e is encouraged to do so only in the case of bugs or
>       implementation issues.
> 3.  The Contestmaster starts a round by announcing a coding challenge
>       (the problem), and a program length (measured in BF characters) for
>       eir implementation of a working program (Par).  The Contestmaster
>       should not over-optimize eir solution.  A Working program is a BF
>       program solves the problem for the (possible unannounced) test cases
>       of the problem developed by the Contestmaster.  The length is the
>       number of BF characters (excluding whitespace or comments) in the
>       program.
> 4.  For the purpose of this contest, "Immediately" means within 4 days.
> 5.  All code submissions are made privately to the Contestmaster.  Upon
>       receipt, the Contestmaster SHALL immediately privately inform the
>       submitter of success/failure, and is encouraged to make helpful
>       suggestions.
> 6.  The first person to submit a working solution of any length (the
>       Leader) receives 10 points, plus 1 point for each character eir
>       solution is under par (if it is under par).  The receipt of this
>       entry begins the shootout period.  The Contestmaster shall
>       immediately announce the receipt and length of the solution (the
>       lead-establishing entry).  The shootout period ends 7 days after
>       this announcement.
> 7.  The Target for the shootout period is Par or the length of the
>       Leader's Submission, whichever is less.
> 8.  When the shootout period ends:
>       a.  A person's Final Shot is the single, shortest-length WORKING
>           program that e submitted during the Shootout period.  The
>           lead-establishing entry is also considered to be a final shot,
>           unless the leader submits a shorter working solution during
>           the shootout period.
>       b.  The single person (if any) who submits the shortest final shot
>           earns 20 points.
>       c.  Any person who submits a final shot earns 5 points, plus, if the
>           shot is less than the target, 1 point for each character that
>           the shot is less than the target.  The lead-establishing
>           entry, if it also the leader's final shot, is not considered for
>           this particular points award.
>       d.  At the contestmaster's option, e MAY award 10 points to the most
>           'elegant' solution, for which both coding and comments may be
>           taken into consideration (although ASCII art in and of itself
>           is discouraged, commenting and structural flair may count).
>       e.  For the purpose of determining the "first" person to earn 200
>           points, the points are awarded in the following order:  Points
>           for (b. shortest shot) are awarded first, followed by points
>           for (c. each person's final shot, awarded in the order each
>           final shot was submitted) and finally (d. elegance).
> 9.  The Contestmaster SHALL announce awards for a Round, and publish all
>       working solutions and scores, immediately after the shootout period
>       ends, thus ending the Round.  Immediately after ending a round, if
>       no person has won the contest, the Contestmaster SHALL start a new
>       round.
> 10. The Contesmaster is the primary interpreter of the Regulations of
>       this contest, and eir interpretations should only be overturned by
>       the courts if they are arbitrarily or capriciously out of keeping
>       with the spirit of this contest.

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