On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 1:47 AM, Alex Smith <ais...@bham.ac.uk> wrote:
> Arguments: this fails due to rule 2150; a rule needs power at least 2 to
> define an entity as a person. Defining a rule as a golem is defining it
> to be a person, among other things.

Arguments: As I mentioned on IRC, clearly if a high-powered rule
states that, say, Friendly nomics are persons, a lower-powered rule
flipping a nomic to Friendly would not be defining it to be a person.
Although I'm not sure whether "Golem-ness" can be changed like a
switch, without any persistent rule enforcing the definition, in the
first place, if it can, I don't see an essential difference that would
affect whether or not the higher-powered rule is providing the agency
for the definition.

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