On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Charles Walker
<charles.w.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd love to hear players' views on what causes these eras (if you don't think 
> they are just arbitrary labels), or rather what makes a particular system 
> stable enough to make it last that long. Does Agora simply create new things 
> that interest it and repeal things that bore it, or is there something deeper 
> there?

There is more variation than those eras suggest.

Two suberas of the "massive contract system" era were sustained, as I
remember it, almost singlehandedly by BobTHJ and his steam-powered
gamestate tracking machine - not that we wouldn't have done some of
the same things without em, but the massive spurt of activity at the
time was promoted by eir willingness to track many fast-moving
quantities.  Both times, I think things subsided around the same time
as his deregistration, although correlation is not causation...

Right now, I think we have a lot of activity compared to several
months ago and some new rules despite not having many fundamental
changes since then.  Why?  Maybe just natural cyclic patterns of
interest: after a break, people are ready for more, and there is a
positive feedback loop.

But enough speculation, here's a pretty graph of proposal count per
month (don't want to use the domain for these incidental purposes, but
qoid.us is temporarily down):


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