On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 8:36 PM, Sean Hunt <scsh...@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> (especially
> if the initiator is also the vote collector [whatever happened to the
> rule against that?]).

FWIW, as the first person to be both Promotor and Assessor as long as
I can remember (mainly because Murphy's been Assessor for almost all
of that time, but still), I thought about that rule, but I don't think
that under the current rules there is anything particularly harmful
about the initiator also being the vote collector.  That's in general,
not as applied to the Star Chamber - I agree there is a bug here.

To answer the question, though, it was repealed by 52-pickup in 2011.

(By the way, a fundamental problem with just publishing all the valid
options is that it ruins the fun of seeing bizarre options trickle in,
and the spam suggests the obvious solution of just using the same two
codes for everyone and randomly flipping the meanings, which is even
less fun!  I may, however, be the only person interested in this :)

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