On Sun, 2014-10-26 at 19:15 +0000, Tanner Swett wrote:
> I was thinking that it may be useful to have a proposal say something
> like "Enact a rule saying 'blah blah blah N blah', where N is the
> number of things that have happened in the past 14 days." I can't
> think of a good example, so on second thought, I retract this AGAINST
> vote and vote FOR instead.

I was also a bit confused by the meaning of "full text of a rule

E.g. would Henri's "Credits" pass the test? The full text of the
proposal has been published. But "A rule change is any effect..." -- the
rule change is not the proposal, but the effect of the proposal through

So what is the full text of the rule change? I worried that it might be
the full diff of the rules the change would effect, which is not
directly included in Henri's proposal, and which seems too restrictive.

I'll be FOR if someone can convince me that "publish the full text of a
rule change" means something like "publish text which unambiguously and
clearly specifies the full effect of a rule change on the rules".

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