Title: Organizations
AI: 3
Author: ais523
Co-Authors: aranea

Create a new Power-1.2 rule, "The Secretary":

      The Secretary is an office, responsible for tracking
      Organizations and related gamestate.

      The Secretary's report includes:

      a) A list of all Organizations and their Income.

      b) Each player's Expenditure.

Create a new Power-1.2 rule, "Organizations":

      An Organization is a type of entity. The following changes are
      secured: creating, modifying, or destroying an Organization; and
      causing an entity to become an Organization or cease to be an

      Budget is a switch belonging to (Organization, player) pairs
      (i.e. there is one instance of the switch for each combination
      of an Organization and a player), tracked by the Secretary,
      whose legal values are integers from 0 to 100 inclusive,
      defaulting to 0. An Organization's Income is the total value of
      all Budget switches for pairs that include that Organization. A
      player's Expenditure is the total value of all Budget switches
      for pairs that include that player. Changes to Budget are

      A "member" of an Organization is a player for which the pair
      consisting of that Organization and that player has a nonzero

      It is IMPOSSIBLE, by any means, for a player to become a member
      of an Organization without eir explicit, willful consent. This
      rule takes precedence over any rule that might make such a
      change possible.

Create a new Power-1.2 rule, "Organizational Restructuring":

      Charter is an Organization switch, tracked by the Secretary,
      whose legal values are texts, and with default value "An
      amendment to this Organization is Appropriate if no members of
      this Organization object to it within 4 days.".

      Each possible modification to an Organization, or to a switch
      that pertains to an Organization or a pair including that
      Organization, is considered to be either Appropriate or
      Inappropriate. An Organization's Charter SHOULD contain a method
      of determining the appropriateness of any attempt to modify that

      If a Charter does not specify the appropriateness of a
      modification, or if it attempts to specify the appropriateness
      of a modification but in a way that is unclear, ambiguous,
      circular, inconsistent, paradoxical, or that depends on
      information that is impossible or unreasonably difficult to
      determine, the modification is Inappropriate; otherwise, it is
      Appropriate if and only if the Charter specifies that it is.

      Organizations CAN be modified as follows:

      a) A member of an Organization CAN flip that Organization's
         Charter by announcement, if such a modification is

      b) Any player CAN flip a Budget Switch by announcement, if such
         a modification is considered Appropriate by the Organization
         to which the switch pertains, except where other rules
         disallow the change.

      c) A member of an Organization can modify its Charter without
         objection, even if such a modification is Inappropriate.
         Players SHOULD only use this mechanism to recover from
         situations where bugs in an Organization's charter prevent it
         from being modified via the normal mechanisms, and/or if the
         Charter forgets to specify circumstances under which a
         certain class of modifications would be Appropriate.

Create a new Power-1.2 rule, "Death and Birth of Organizations":

      If an Organization's Income is ever lower than 50, that
      Organization Collapses, destroying the Organization. Any players
      who were members of the Organization immediately before its
      Income reduced below 50 CANNOT become (or be caused to become)
      members of Organizations (regardless of who actually flips the
      switch), and cannot create Organizations, for 7 days after the

      If a player's Expenditure is 50 or lower, that player CAN create
      an Organization by announcement (except where disallowed by the
      preceding paragraph or by other rules), specifying a name for
      the Organization that is unique among Organizations, and that
      Organization's initial Charter. When a player creates an
      Organization this way, the Budget for the pair consisting of
      that player and that Organization becomes 50 (with other Budget
      switches for pairs including that Organization starting at their
      default of 0), and its Charter is set as the player specified.

Create a new Power-3 rule, "Bankruptcy":

      While a player's Expenditure exceeds 100, then any player CAN
      cause that player to become Bankrupt by announcement. The
      Secretary SHALL NOT allow any player's Expenditure to exceed 100
      for more than a week.

      When a player becomes Bankrupt,

      a) All Budget switches for pairs that include that player are
         flipped to 0.

      b) The Referee CAN and SHALL issue that player a Red Card
         (a rule violation NEED NOT be cited in this case).

      c) The Herald is authorized to award that player the Patent
         Title of Welsher.

      If a player has become Bankrupt within the past 30 days, e
      CANNOT create or modify Organizations or Budget switches in any
      way, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

Ratify the following text:

      There are no Organizations.

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