On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 9:17 AM, Alex Smith <ais...@bham.ac.uk> wrote:

> On Mon, 2015-12-21 at 09:05 -0500, Benjamin Schultz wrote:
> > I'm curious about a few things.  So:
> >
> > 1. I flip my budget switch for The Agoran Betting Market to 50.
> > 2. I accept aranea's Bet that I quote above, that no valid FLR will be
> > published between the time of eir Bet and Dec 24.  (I presume the year
> 2015
> > is implied.)
> > 3. I CFJ on the following statement:  "OscarMeyr has joined The Agoran
> > Betting Market."  As evidence, I submit this email message.  I was not a
> > member of ABM before this message.  I refer the H. Judge to tABM's
> charter,
> > particularly paragraph 4:  "Any non-member of this Organization can join
> it
> > via flipping eir Budget Switch to 50."
> Hmm, the text of the organization's charter isn't a rule and can't
> define mechanisms to perform actions. It should say "It is Appropriate
> for a non-member of this Organization to flip eir Budget Switch to 50,
> thus joining it." Looks like another bug I'll have to fix in the ABM
> before it really gets going... (And I submit this paragraph as arguments
> on the CFJ called in the above-quoted message.) I'm still getting used
> to this new style of things where Organizations can't define actions,
> simply hold opinions as to their possibility.
> Additionally, AFAICT (the Registrar is very behind) you're a nonplayer.
> The switch you tried to flip doesn't actually exist, and thus it would
> have been impossible (at quite a high power) to flip it. "Member" is
> defined in a rule, thus any (potentially erroneous) definition the
> Charter might give is overridden. "Has joined" probably isn't, but this
> may just lead to the CFJ being ruled irrelevant, because neither the
> Organization nor any rule cares about that.
You are correct that I am presently not a player.  I'm mainly poking the
blinking rocker switches.


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