On Fri, 2016-11-04 at 19:59 -0500, nichdel wrote:
> I submit the following proposal (I'll pend in a couple days after a
> feedback period):

The largest problem is that you haven't specified an officer to track
the switches.

I'm not sure I really like the idea behind it, though. A currency
/this/ simple tends to have fairly easy strategy behind it. (In
particular, I would almost certainly not spend it, trying to persuade
other players to spend it instead; all it can do at the moment is
pending and pending isn't very valuable, but it's likely it would gain
other uses in the future.)

Currencies typically need to have multiple dimensions so that a varying
exchange rate can be set up between them.

Out of interest, is anyone else working on an economy proposal at the
moment? It might be worth sharing notes. (I've been having some
thoughts in that direction, but nothing concrete.)


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