Given the current chaos, I'm publishing the following draft report.
I'd welcome any applicable corrections. If you want your proposals
distributed, you should talk to ais523 about pending them.


I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, and the
valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote).

ID     Author(s)     AI   Title                      Pender     Pend fee (sh.)
7853*  ais523        3.0  Close Ancient Loopholes    ais523     N/A [1]
7854*  ais523        3.0  Close Recent Loopholes v2  ais523     N/A [1]
7855*  P.S.S [2]     1.0  Limited Agencies           ais523     N/A [1]

The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals:

ID     Author(s)     AI   Title
pp1    P.S.S.[2]     3.0  Agoran Education Rethink v3
pp2    nichdel       1.0  Pending List Price Adjustment
pp3    Quazie        2.0  Shiny Releveling Event
pp4    P.S.S [2]     1.0  Agora's To-Do List (v2/ov1)

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.

[1] Pended by the mechanism in the Rule "Reward and Delay"
[2] Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

The Pending List Price (PLP) is 6 shinies. The Pending Minimum Price (PMP)
is 5 shinies.

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.

ID: 7853
Title: Close Ancient Loopholes
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: ais523

Amend rule 879 so that it has the following text:
      Each Agoran Decision has a quorum. This is a number set when the
      decision is created, and thereafter cannot be changed. When a
      person initiates an Agoran Decision, that person SHALL state the
      quorum of that decision. However, incorrectly stating the quorum
      of a decision does not invalidate the initiation, nor does it
      actually change the quorum of the decision.

      The quorum that an Agoran Decision gains as it is created can be
      defined by other rules of power 2 or greater. If no other rule
      defines the quorum of an Agoran Decision, the quorum for that
      decision is equal to the number of players who voted on the
      Agoran Decision to adopt a proposal that had been most recently
      resolved at the time of that decision's initiation, minus 2.

      As an exception to the previous paragraph, the quorum of an
      Agoran Decision can never be less than 2. If the rules would
      attempt to set the quorum of an Agoran Decision to less than 2,
      it is set to 2 instead.

Amend rule 955 by replacing the text:
      - If there is more than one option, and the number of valid
        ballots is less than quorum, the outcome is instead FAILED
      - If there is more than one option, and the number of valid
        ballots is less than the quorum of that decision, the outcome
        is instead FAILED QUORUM.

ID: 7854
Title: Close Recent Loopholes v2
Adoption Index: 3.0
Author: ais523

Amend rule 683, by replacing the last paragraph with:
      A valid ballot is a ballot, correctly submitted, that has not
      been withdrawn. During the voting period of an Agoran decision,
      a player CAN by announcement withdraw (syn. retract) a ballot
      that e submitted on that decision. To "change" one's vote is to
      retract eir previous ballot (if any), then submit a new one.

Amend rule 2445 so that it has the following text:
      Imminence is a switch, tracked by the Promotor, possessed by
      proposals in the Proposal Pool, whose value is either "pending"
      or "not pending" (default).

      Pending List Price is an integer switch, tracked by the Promotor,
      whose default value is 5. At the beginning of every month, the
      Pending List Price is set to 90% of the mean of the price paid
      for each proposal pended in the previous month, rounded down. If
      less than 2 proposals were pended in the previous month, the
      Pending List Price is set to its default.

      Any player CAN pay Agora a specified amount, which is no less
      than the Pending List Price, to flip a proposal's imminence
      to "pending" by announcement. If the specified amount is less
      than the Pending List Price, then the attempt to pay is
      INEFFECTIVE, and the proposal's imminence is not flipped.

Amend the rule created during the resolution of proposal 7850 by
deleting all paragraphs that contain the word "imminence", and then
inserting the following paragraphs at the end:
      ais523 CAN cause a specified player to earn a Black Ribbon by

      ais523 CAN cause this rule to repeal itself by announcement.
[I already have my Black Ribbon, so I forgot that I might potentially
need to award them to co-conspirators. Also, give me a way to clean up
the rule when I'm done giving out rewards. As a reminder to people who
aren't used to the Ribbon system, the idea of Black Ribbons is that
they can only be gained via proposal or via scam, and it's standard to
give a Black Ribbon to all the participants in a scam if it's capable
of altering the gamestate enough to give Ribbons.]

Then retitle that rule to "Scam Reward".

ID: 7855
Title: Limited Agencies
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

    In rule 2467 replace:

        An Agency is a document empowering persons to act on behalf of
        another player. A player may establish an Agency With 24 hours
        Notice and thereby become its Director by specifying the
        properties of the new Agency:


        An Agency is a document empowering persons to act on behalf of
        another player. A player MAY establish an Agency With 24 hours
        Notice, and thereby become its Director, by specifying the
        properties of the new Agency, provided e has not established any
        other Agency that day:

  Also if any agency exists with the power:
    Any agent may cause this agency to destroyed (with the standard notice)
as long as they give Gaelan 10 shinies in the same message.
  then destroy it.

  It shal also be known that Gaelan is a Ninny.

ID: pp1
Title: Agoran Education Rethink v3
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
Co-author(s): ais523

Change Rule 1367 to read in full:

  Certain patent titles are known as degrees.  The degrees are

  - Associate of Nomic                 (A.N.)
  - Bachelor of Nomic                  (B.N.)
  - Master of Nomic                    (M.N.)
  - Doctor of Nomic History            (D.N.Hist.)
  - Doctor of Nomic Science            (D.N.Sci.)
  - Doctor of Nomic Philosophy         (D.N.Phil.)

  Degrees are ranked in the order they appear in this rule, with degrees
  listed later being ranked higher.  A specific degree CANNOT be awarded
  to any person more than once.

  A specified degree CAN be awarded with 2 Agoran Consent, and SHOULD
  only be awarded for the publication of an original thesis of scholarly
  worth (including responses to peer-review), published with explicit
  intent to qualify for a degree. Persons wanting a degree MUST request
  a mentor from the Herald before having made substantial progress on
  eir thesis. The Herald SHOULD coordinate the finding of a mentor for
  any person requesting one. The mentor SHOULD answer questions of the
  mentee and assist in the writing of eir thesis. The mentor SHOULD
  coordinate the peer-review process for the thesis.

  ID: pp2
  Title: Pending List Price Adjustment
  Adoption Index: 1.0
  Author: nichdel

  Amend Rule 2445 by replacing the second, thirdand fourth paragraphs with:

        Pending List Price is an integer switch, tracked by the Promotor,
        whose default value is 5. At the beginning of every month, the
        Pending List Price is set to nine-tenths of the mean of the price
        paid for each proposal pended in the previous month, rounded
        down. If less than 2 proposals were pended in the previous month,
        the Pending List Price is set to its default.

        Any player CAN pay Agora a specified amount, which is no less
        than the Pending List Price, to flip a proposal's imminence to
        "pending" by announcement. If the specified amount is less than
        the Pending List Price, then the attempt to pay is  INEFFECTIVE,
        and the proposal's imminence is not flipped.

  [Basically just combines Pending Minimum and Pending List. The simpler
  math also means that the price tends to end up a tiny bit higher than
  the previous scheme.]

ID: pp3
Title: Shiny Releveling Event
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Quazie

  Update the text of rule 2487 to be the following:
        The Supply Level is 1000.

        When a Shiny Releveling event occurs, Agora's Balance is increased
        or decreased such that all Balances add up to the Supply Level.

        When the Supply level Changes, a Shiny Releveling event occurs.

        The Secretary may cause a Shiny Releveling event to occur without 3

  Upon the adoption of this proposal a Shiny Releveling Event occurs.

ID: pp4
Title: Agora's To-Do List (v2/ov1)
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

Enact a rule titled, "To-Do List", reading: "Any player MAY without
two objection
add an item to the to-do list with a specified number of Shinies associated with
it. Any to-do list item must have a clear set of requirements for completion.
The to-do list shall be maintained by the Lister. Any person MAY complete an
item on the to-do list and claim the specified number of Shinies associated with
it by notifying the Lister of their completion of the task. If the Lister agrees
with the claimee, the Lister shall without two objection pay the claimee the
specified number of Shinies from Agora. Any disagreement regarding completion
shall be resolved via a CFJ. After an item has been completed, the Lister shall
remove it from the to-do list."

Enact a rule titled, "The Office of the Lister", reading: "The Lister
is an office; its holder is responsible for maintaining the to-do of

The Lister's Weekly report includes the current state of the Agoran
to-do list and any recent events thereof."


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