In order to break this "critical mass" of activity, I suggest dividing the
game into three (simplified) sub-nomics, and have them each develop as
their own Province.

There has been precedence of Agora having a similar "divide" (the Blots and
such), although this would be making the slices in a different way. Perhaps
it helps. (Also, this is personal interest, but I would love to see
differences in 'axiomatic' perspectives in each one and see how each
mini-Agora develops.)

This is also inspired in the BLO vs GNO vs MIC dynasty of Blognomic: which
seemed to be one of the more interesting ones, and we have the amount of
players to make it work.

This definitely qualifies for "radical" ideal though, and as ais has
pointed out, may not work. But I figure it would be good to put this out
anyway, for consideration.

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