I don’t like the idea of tracking it in a markdown environment. What about have 
a special repository for tracking such things.
Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

> On Jun 24, 2017, at 1:44 PM, omd <c.ome...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Proto: Track it on the wiki (AI=2)
> Create Power-1 Rule titled "Wiki":
>      The Wiki is located at https://agoranomic.org/wiki/.
>      For any state the rules define to be "tracked by all players on
>      the Wiki":
>      - When any player performs an action via public message that
>        changes that state, e SHALL reasonably concurrently update the
>        Wiki to note the new state, using an edit message that
>        indicates the nature of the action.  (If pre-existing
>        inaccuracies make it difficult to compute the new state, e
>        need not do so, but SHOULD ensure the page contains a warning
>        about this.)
>      - If the state is part of a player's weekly or monthly report, e
>        SHALL ensure the Wiki (momentarily) correctly describes that
>        state once per week or month, respectively.
>      - Persons SHALL NOT knowingly cause the Wiki to contain
>        inaccurate descriptions of that state.
>      Players SHOULD ensure that the Wiki allows any player to make
>      arbitrary edits to it at any time.  If any player is, or was
>      recently, blocked or restricted from doing so, e is exempt from
>      the first two requirements above.
> Amend Rule 2483 (Economics) by replacing:
>      Balances are tracked by the Secretary.
> with:
>      Balances are tracked by the Secretary, and tracked by all
>      players on the Wiki.
> Amend Rule 2489 (Estates) by replacing:
>      Owner is a switch belonging to each Estate, tracked by the
>      Surveyor,
> with:
>      Owner is a switch belonging to each Estate, tracked by the
>      Surveyor and tracked by all players on the Wiki,
> [stock holdings from my other proto would also be tracked on the Wiki.]

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