On Tue, 27 Jun 2017, Quazie wrote:

You aren't the ADOP, so you would need instead 4 support, but I'll get to
those elections shortly - don't worry

Hum, it's not clear from the text of Rule 2154 that e cannot do that:

      1. by announcement, if e is the ADoP, if the office has been
         deputised for within the past two weeks, or if no election
         has been initiated for the office either since the last time
         a player won the game or within the past 90 days;

In my opinion, there is no grammar or punctuation to indicate whether "if e is the ADoP" scopes over the other two "ifs" or whether it is an equal level third option. Also I have no idea which reading is the _intended_ one. The writer may even have made it ambiguous on purpose to trip people up. However, I think the three equal option parsing is the _simplest_ one.


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