> On Jun 29, 2017, at 12:57 PM, Alex Smith <ais...@alumni.bham.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Thu, 2017-06-29 at 09:47 -0700, Aris Merchant wrote:
>> You're misconstruing what e said. E said that eir assignments _did_
>> give everyone a "reasonably equal" opportunity to judge.  I any case,
>> I object to the finger pointing (not that objecting does anything). I
>> further support the intent to enter the judgment into Moot, and do
>> so.
> Aris + Cuddlebeam + Publius Scribonius Scholasticus = 3, that's enough.
> I was going to say "with all these new players, people have forgotten
> that Moots are broken", but it turns out that we fixed them at some
> point, so perhaps this will actually work.
> I initiate the Agoran Decision to determine public confidence in the
> judgement of CFJ 3534.
> For this decision, the vote collector is the Arbitor, and the valid
> options are AFFIRM, REMAND, and REMIT (PRESENT is also a valid vote).
> Quorum for this decision is 6.

I vote REMAND.

Relying on purely technical artefacts, such as line wrapping, quirks of 
specific character encodings, and the byte order of the underlying RFC 2822 
message, to evaluate a text written in a human language is a deeply worrying 
precedent to set. Further, CFJ 1460 contains some guidance

> I therefore hold that an Agoran player need not regard, nor be required
> to act upon, a message written in a language e does not understand,
> whether or not it is sent to a public forum.

that does not appear to have been applied, nor overturned.


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