On Mon, 17 Jul 2017, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus wrote:

It wasn’t needed, but I think it would have worked.

Well my thought was that if it was needed, then the time limit to resolve the proposal could not have expired, and so the deputisation would not be valid.


Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

On Jul 17, 2017, at 11:52 AM, Ørjan Johansen <oer...@nvg.ntnu.no> wrote:

On Sun, 16 Jul 2017, nichdel wrote:

I deputise as Assessor to resolve the decisions to adopt proposals

Agora are ADOPTED (*), REJECTED (x), and FAILED QUORUM (!). If a
decision's voting period is still ongoing, I end it immediately
before resolving it and after resolving the previous decision.]

I assume that wasn't needed, but if it was, would it work with deputisation?


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