> On Sep 23, 2017, at 12:54 AM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
> * An Aggregate is an asset.
> * A player may create eir own Aggregate by announcement, listing a set of 
> assets e owns as constituents.
> * A player who owns an Aggregate may destroy it by announcement. (This is 
> automatic if an Aggregate is “an Asset” but it might be worth calling out 
> given the following conditions.)
> * An aggregate is a fixed asset if any constituent asset is fixed, otherwise 
> it is liquid.
> * An aggregate is fungible if all of its constituent assets are fungible, 
> subject to obvious equivalences, otherwise it is indivisible.
> * Ownership of an aggregate is restricted to entities which may own every one 
> of its constituents.
> * An asset which constitutes an aggregate CAN only be transferred to a 
> recipient if every asset in the aggregate, and the aggregate itself, are also 
> transferred to that recipient. An aggregate CAN only be transferred to a 
> recipient if every constituent is transferred to the same recipient.
> * Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the following classes of fixed 
> assets CAN be transferred as part of an aggregate: pledges. (Contracts, if we 
> have them.)
> The idea is that someone seeking to create a contract can instead create a 
> pledge, and then (in the same message, probably) create an aggregate 
> containing the pledge and the other affected assets. This is limited - you 
> can’t contract duties this way, only assets - but incredibly flexible as to 
> what kinds of obligation may be transferred. Even if you receive an unwelcome 
> pledge this way, you have ownership of it, and may retract it.

An example real estate contract in this style:

I pledge to transfer the aggregate created in this message to Publius 
Scribonius Scholasticus in a timely manner after e pays o 25 shinies.

I create an aggregate containing the previous pledge and the Estate of Faron.


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