*looks at this whole conversation*
what have I done .-.

On 11/12/2017 6:26 PM, Madeline wrote:
Alternatively, since 1023 ("Agoran Time") specifies only when Agoran Months start, and makes no 
claim about how long they last or even that we always be within one, Rule 2529 ("Medals of 
Honour") could be interpreted to clarify that an Agoran Month only lasts seven days, and the rest of 
the calendar month we aren't in any Agoran Month at all. I'm a little averse to this one because of how 
much it could break, but it's an option. >_>

On 2017-11-13 10:15, Madeline wrote:
My instinct here is to say that this rule is attempting to claim that an Agoran Month is 
seven days long, and also that a player can declare emself eligible during an Agoran 
Month. The first claim is overridden by Rule 1023 ("Agoran Time"), while the 
second claim goes untouched - and as we are always within an Agoran Month, a player can 
always declare emself eligible and that this would be TRUE. Anything I'm missing or any 
precedent I should be aware of?

On 2017-11-13 09:10, Kerim Aydin wrote:

On Tue, 7 Nov 2017, VJ Rada wrote:
Shiny CFJ: G. is eligible for a Medal of Honour.
This is CFJ 3594.  I assign it to Telnaior.


The medal of honour rule says "in the week of an agoran month",
players can declare themselves eligible for a Notice. Munn meant first
week. Can G. now declare emself eligible?

On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 1:07 PM, ATMunn <iamingodsa...@gmail.com> wrote:
       I have no idea if this actually worked or not, since the rule is a bit 
broken. We'll just... pretend it works...

       On 11/6/2017 6:49 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

             I declare myself eligible for a Medal of Honour.

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