I retract "clear statement rule"

On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 7:24 PM, Aris Merchant
<thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does this look fine?
> -Aris
> ---
> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
> Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
> pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
> quorum is 5.0, the voting method is AI-majority and the valid options
> are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are conditional
> votes).
> ID     Author(s)      AI    Title                        Pender      Pend fee
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 7982*  V.J. Rada      1.7   Referee Reform Fix           V.J. Rada   1 sh.
> 7983*  Telnaior, [1]  1.0   [2]                          Telnaior    1 AP
> 7984*  Aris, [3]      2.6   Contract Flexibility Act     Aris        1 AP
> 7985*  Alexis         2.6   Open Season on Contracts     Alexis      1 AP
> 7986*  V.J. Rada      2.6   Clear-Statement Rule         V.J. Rada   1 sh.
> 7987*  Alexis         2.0   Re-opening the Door          Alexis      1 sh.
> 7988*  P.S.S [4]      3.0   Quick Fix                    P.S.S. [4]  1 AP
> 7889*  ATMunn, [5]    1.0   [6]                          Aris        1 AP
> 7890*  G.             2.0   Minimal Econ reforms         G.          1 AP
> The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals:
> ID   Author(s)     AI   Title
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> pp1  Alexis        3.0  Terrible Economic Hack Job
> Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.
> [1] Alexis, VJ Rada
> [2] Somehow Both Of These Got Through
> [3] V.J. Rada, Ørjan
> [3] Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> [5] Alexis
> [6] ADoP Obligation Clarification
> A proposal may be pended for 1 AP, or for 1/20th the Floating Value
> in shines (see the Treasuror's report).
> The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7982
> Title: Referee Reform Fix
> Adoption index: 1.7
> Author: V.J. Rada
> Co-authors:
> At the end of rule 2478 "Viglilante Justice", add a new
> paragraph with the text "The Referee CANNOT Point eir Finger. The
> Arbitor CANNOT Point eir Finger at the Referee".
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7983
> Title: Somehow Both Of These Got Through
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Telnaior
> Co-authors: Alexis, VJ Rada
> Amend the Rule "Favour Awards" by changing
>   "For each voter who has not voted on an Agoran decision resolved
> earlier in the
>   same Agoran week, e SHALL award that player 2 Favours in the Party holding
>   Participaiton."
> to
>   "For each voter who has voted on an Agoran decision resolved earlier in the
>   same Agoran week, e SHALL award that player 2 Favours in the Party holding
>   Participation."
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7984
> Title: Contract Flexibility Act
> Adoption index: 2.6
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors: V.J. Rada, Ørjan
> Amend Rule 2525, Interpreting Contracts, by:
>   Removing item 6 of the numbered list and renumbering appropriately; and
>   Changing the phrase "failing protected action" to read "failing to perform
>   a protected action".
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7985
> Title: Open Season on Contracts
> Adoption index: 2.6
> Author: Alexis
> Co-authors:
> Amend rule 2525 (Interpreting Contracts) by deleting all but the first two
> paragraphs.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7986
> Title: Clear-Statement Rule
> Adoption index: 2.6
> Author: V.J. Rada
> Co-authors:
> Amend the last paragraph of rule 2525 "Interpreting Contracts" to state
> "Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, a contract CANNOT compel,
> forbid, or in any significant way alter, tamper with, or modify the
> performance of a protected action. A contract CANNOT punish a player
> for performing or failing protected action, or for doing so in a
> particular manner, except where it would otherwise be ILLEGAL.
> Exception: if a Contract specifically states that it shall be contrary
> to this rule for each protected action it compels, forbids, tampers
> with etc, and if each party to that Contract specifically consented to
> that contract's use of each protected action, the previous sentence
> does not apply."
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7987
> Title: Re-opening the Door
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Alexis
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule "2507" by inserting "unless a proposal terminates this effect
> sooner, " after "After the Door is Slammed at a person, ".
> Unless V.J. Rada destroyed all favours e owned at the time of this
> proposal's submission, without spending them for any action or game effect:
> Destroy all of V.J. Rada's Favour and Balloons. Set all of V.J. Rada's
> Influence switches to 0. For each Politician whose Advisor is V.J. Rada,
> set eir Advisor to none.
> For every player to whom V.J. Rada has transferred a Favour, or in whose
> possession V.J. Rada created a Favour since this proposal was submitted,
> unless that player destroyed those Favours without spending them for any
> action or game effect:
> Destroy all of eir Favour and Balloons. Set all of eir Influence switches
> to 0. For each Politician whose Advisor is that player, set eir Advisor to
> none.
> Terminate the effect of the Door being Slammed at V.J. Rada.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7988
> Title: Quick Fix
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> Co-authors:
> In rule 105, add a full stop after "repeal a rule" in bullet point 2.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7989
> Title: ADoP Obligation Clarification
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: ATMunn
> Co-authors: Alexis
> Amend rule 2138, "The Associate Director of Personnel", by adding the 
> following
> ist item to the end:
>     4. The Complexity of each Office.
> Also in rule 2138, add a full stop to the end of the second list item, if 
> there
> is not one there already.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7990
> Title: Minimal Econ reforms
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2516 (Passive Income) to read:
>   The Treasuror CAN, once each month, and SHALL, in a timely fashion
>   after the start of each month, publish a Payday Notice. The effect
>   of such a Notice is to:
>      1. Destroy all Shinies in Agora's possession.
>      2. Create 25 Shinies in the possession of each player.
>      3. For each office, if a single player held that office for
>         16 or more days in the previous month and did not receive
>         a card other than Green during that time for performance or
>         nonperformance of that office's duties, create 10 shinies
>         in the possession of that player.
> Amend Rule 2497 (Floating Value) to read:
>   Floating Value is a natural singleton switch, tracked by the
>   Treasuror.
>   The Treasuror CAN, once each month, and SHALL, in a timely
>   fashion after the start of each month, publish a valid Notice
>   of Agoran Productivity, containing eir best estimate of the
>   total number of shinies that were in Agora's possession at
>   the end of the previous month.  The Notice is invalid if the
>   estimate differs from the correct value by more than 10%, and
>   the error is publicly identified within one week of its
>   publication.
>   The effect of a valid Notice of Agoran Productivity is to flip
>   the Floating Value to the announced estimate.
>   The following Floating Derived Values are defined:
>   * Stamp Value: 1/5th of the Floating Value, rounded up.
>   * Pend Cost: 1/10th of the Floating Value, rounded up.
>   * CFJ Cost: 1/20th of the Floating Value, rounded up.
>   The Treasuror's weekly report includes all floating-derived
>   values defined by the Rules.
> Amend Rule 2498 (Economic Wins) by replacing:
>   If Agora owns at least as many Shinies as the current Stamp Value,
>   a player CAN, by announcement, destroy a Stamp e owns to cause
>   Agora to transfer the Stamp Value, in shinies, to emself.
> with:
>   A player CAN, by announcement, destroy a Stamp e owns to create,
>   in eir possession, a number of shinies equal the Stamp Value.
>   If the Stamp's creator was not the destroying player, half
>   the Stamp value (rounded up) in shinies are created in the
>   possession of the Stamp's creator.
> [Encourages stamp trading!!]
> Amend Rule 2499 (Welcome Packages) by replacing:
>   Agora transfers 50 shinies to em.
> with:
>   25 shinies are created in eir possession.
> Amend Rule 2483 (Economics) by replacing:
>   The Treasuror is the recordkeepor for shinies.
> with:
>   The Treasuror is an Office and the recordkeepor for shinies.
> Repeal Rule 2487 (Shiny Supply Level).
> Repeal Rule 2456 (The Treasuror).
> Repeal Rule 2500 (Action Points).
> Amend Rule 2445 (How to Pend a Proposal) by replacing:
>   a) spending 1 Action Point, OR
>   b) spending the current Pend Cost in shinies.
> with:
>   a) spending the current Pend Cost in shinies, OR
>   b) Without 2 Objections.  Players SHOULD object unless the
>      proposal consists entirely of bug fixes or minor
>      playability adjustments for the good of the game overall.
> Amend Rule 991 (Calls for Judgement) by replacing:
>   a) by announcement, and spending 1 Action Point, OR
>   b) by announcement, and spending the current CFJ cost in shinies,
>      OR
>   c) by announcement if e is not a player.
> with:
>   a) by announcement, and spending the current CFJ cost in shinies,
>      OR
>   b) Without 2 Objections.  Players SHOULD object unless paying
>      with shinies is a significant barrier to the Caller's
>      ability to seek a resolution to the controversy.
> Amend Rule 2496 (Rewards) to read in full:
>   A Reward is a specified amount of a currency associated with a
>   Reward Condition. For each time a player meets a Reward Condition,
>   e CAN claim the specified award, by announcement, exactly once
>   within 24 hours of meeting the Reward Condition.  When a player
>   'claims' a Reward, Agora transfers the specified amount of that
>   currency to the player, if Agora possesses sufficient currency to
>   do so.
> [The basic definition of "reward" is useful in general so we keep it].
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: pp1
> Title: Terrible Economic Hack Job
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Alexis
> Co-authors:
> Repeal, in the order given, the following rules:
> - Rule 2489 (Estates)
> - Rule 2488 (The Surveyor)
> - Rule 2491 (Estate Auctions)
> - Rule 2490 (Estate Ballots)
> - Rule 2504 (The Agronomist)
> - Rule 2502 (Agoraculture)
> - Rule 2501 (Farm Rate)
> - Rule 2503 (Comestibles)
> - Rule 2526 (Sustenance Payments)
> - Rule 1885 (Zombie Auctions)
> - Rule 2506 (Blue Cards)
> - Rule 2483 (Economics)
> - Rule 2487 (Shiny Supply Level)
> - Rule 2496 (Rewards)
> - Rule 2498 (Economic Wins)
> - Rule 2497 (Floating Value)
> - Rule 2499 (Welcome Packages)
> - Rule 2516 (Passive Income)
> - Rule 2456 (The Treasuror)
> - Rule 2500 (Action Points)
> Amend rule 991 (Calls for Judgement) by replacing the first paragraph
> with:
>   Any person (the initiator) can initiate a Call for Judgement (CFJ,
>   syn. Judicial Case) by announcement, specifying a statement to be
>   inquired into.
> Amend rule 2445 (How to Pend a Proposal) by replacing the second
> paragraph with:
>   Any player CAN flip a specified proposal's imminence to "pending"
>   by announcement.
> Amend rule 2514 (Emotions) by replacing "other kind acts, such as
> paying shinies to other players or pending other players' proposals."
> with "other kind acts, such as helping others perform actions they
> cannot afford."
> Amend rule 2522 (Contract Lifecycle) by replacing "A person CAN create a
> contract by announcement by transferring 1 shiny to Agora, specifying
> the contract's text." with "A person CAN create a contract by
> announcement, specifying the contract's text."
> Amend rule 2166 (Assets) by replacing
>   A contract's text can specify whether or not that contract is
>   willing to receive assets or a class of assets. Generally, a
>   contract CANNOT be given assets it is unwilling to receive. If the
>   contract is silent on the matter, or if its willingness is
>   indeterminate or the subject of a inextricable conditional, the
>   procedure to determine its willingness is as follows:
>     1. If the contract appears to anticipate being given assets,
>        other than for sustenance (e.g. by authorizing parties to
>        spend the contract's assets), then the contract is willing to
>        receive all assets.
>     2. Otherwise, it is unwilling to receive all assets.
>   The previous paragraph (including the list) notwithstanding, a
>   contract CAN be given 1 shiny a month for its sustenance payment,
>   so long as it never has more than 1 shiny at a time.
> with
>   A contract's text can specify whether or not that contract is
>   willing to receive assets or a class of assets. Generally, a
>   contract CANNOT be given assets it is unwilling to receive. If the
>   contract is silent on the matter, or if its willingness is
>   indeterminate or the subject of a inextricable conditional, the
>   contract is unwilling to receive any assets.
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

>From V.J. Rada

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