On Sat, Apr 14, 2018 at 12:55 AM Ned Strange <edwardostra...@gmail.com>

> I vote as follows:
> 8033: PRESENT
> 8034: FOR
> 8035: FOR
> 8036: FOR
> 8037: FOR
> 8038: AGAINST, foiled by power
> 8039: Regrettably, FOR
> 8040: AGAINST. I think 5 blots+3 a month will be more than enough for
> everybody to be blot-free, which means that there is no incentive to
> buy temples (paper is the only resource, along with apples, that
> really is useful but anyway). Also, as a nefarious criminal who was
> once prohibited from all game actions against his consent, all
> w/o-consent deregistrations are bad juju.

It should be mechanically impossible to use this to deregister someone
without their consent, given the referee sentencing and accountability
restrictions. The other concern is more problematic. Righ now you get 1
removed a week, and I may have set it too high. However, the worst case
scenario is for people to just wait out their sentences until we adjust the
amount of incense received, and I rather find out that I've given people
too much than too little.


> On Sat, Apr 14, 2018 at 5:55 PM, Ned Strange <edwardostra...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I vote as follows:
> > 8033: PRESENT
> > 8034: FOR
> > 8035: FOR
> > 8036: FOR
> > 8037: FOR
> > 8038: AGAINST, foiled by power
> > 8039: Regrettably, FOR
> > 8040: AGAINST. I think 5 blots+3 a month will be more than enough for
> > everybody to be blot-free, which means that there is no incentive to
> > buy temples (paper is the only resource, along with apples, that
> > really is useful but anyway). Also, as a nefarious criminal who was
> > once prohibited from all game actions against his consent, all
> > w/o-consent deregistrations are bad juju.
> > 8041: FOR
> >
> > I also have PSS vote as I do.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Apr 14, 2018 at 2:07 PM, Aris Merchant
> > <thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
> >> Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
> >> pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
> >> quorum is 3.0, the voting method is AI-majority and the valid options
> >> are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are conditional
> >> votes).
> >>
> >> ID     Author(s)    AI   Title                             Pender
> >>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> 8033*  Kenyon, [1]  2.0  Gray Land and the Fountain        Kenyon
> >> 8034*  G.           2.0  Paydays Fix                       Kenyon
> >> 8035*  G., [2]      1.0  Nothing to worry about            G.
> >> 8036*  Aris         2.0  Impeachment                       Aris
> >> 8037*  ATMunn       1.0  Medals of Honour Correction Act   ATMunn
> >> 8038*  V.J. Rada    1.0  V.J. Rada Equitable Remedy.       Corona
> >> 8039*  Aris, [4]    2.1  V.J. Rada Equitable Remedy v2     Aris
> >> 8040*  Aris, [5]    3.0  Blot Expansion v3                 Aris
> >> 8041*  Aris, [6]    2.0  Consolidated Patch                Aris
> >>
> >> The proposal pool is currently empty.
> >>
> >> [1] Aris, Cuddle Beam, Gaelan, Trigon
> >> [2] omd, pokes, o
> >> [3] Medals of Honour Correction Act
> >> [4] V.J. Rada
> >> [5] Ørjan
> >> [6] Trigon, G.
> >>
> >> Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.
> >>
> >> A proposal may be pended for 1 Paper.
> >>
> >> The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.
> >>
> >> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >> ID: 8033
> >> Title: Gray Land and the Fountain
> >> Adoption index: 2.0
> >> Author: Kenyon
> >> Co-authors: Aris, Cuddle Beam, Gaelan, Trigon
> >>
> >>
> >> Amend "Land Types" (Power=2.0):
> >>     Replace "whose values are "Black", "White", and "Aether"", with the
> >>     text "whose values are "Black", "White", "Gray", and "Aether""
> >>
> >> Create a new rule "Facility Categories", (Power=2.0):
> >>     A facility's Category is a switch whose possible values are
> >>     “Production”, “Processing”, “Monument”, and “Miscellaneous”.  An “x
> >>     facility”, where x is a Category, refers to a facility that has
> >>     Category switch set to x.
> >>
> >> Amend "Asset Generation with Facilities" (Power=2.0) to read the
> following:
> >>   When an Production or Processing facility creates assets, the assets
> >>   are added to the facility's possession. The rule that creates an
> >>   Production or Processing facility CAN specify a carrying capacity for
> >>   assets. If, at any time, the amount of an asset in the possession of
> an
> >>   Production or Processing facility exceeds that asset's carrying
> >>   capacity, an amount of that asset is destroyed until the amount of
> that
> >>   asset in the possession of the facility is equal to its carrying
> >>   capacity.
> >>
> >>   At the end of every Agoran Week, Agora creates a number of assets in a
> >>   Production facility specified by the rule which creates the facility.
> >>
> >>   At the end of every Agoran Week, Agora destroys any refinable assets
> in
> >>   the possession of each Processing facility that that facility can
> >>   change into refined assets and replaces them with a corresponding
> >>   number of refined assets to be specified by the rule that creates the
> >>   facility.
> >>
> >>   A player can take a number of assets from an Production or Processing
> >>   facility's inventory by announcement if eir location is the same as
> >>   the facility's and the following criteria are met:
> >>    1. if the facility is built on unconserved Public Land, none.
> >>    2. if the facility is built on preserved Public Land and less than
> >>    four days have passed since assets were created in the facility most
> >>    recently, e must not have taken any assets from the inventory of
> >>    another facility located on a preserved Land Unit within this Agoran
> >>    week.
> >>    3. if the facility is built on Communal Land, e must be a party to
> >>    that contract and the text of the contract must permit em to do so.
> >>    4. if the facility is built on Private Land, e must own the facility,
> >>    or the owner must have consented.
> >>
> >> Amend "Facility Ranks" (Power=2.0) to read the following:
> >>   Rank is a facility switch tracked by the Cartographor defaulting to 1.
> >>   Its possible values include all integers between 1 and 5, inclusive.
> >>
> >>   If a facility specifies upgrade costs, a player CAN increase the rank
> >>   of a facility e owns that is at eir location by exactly 1 by
> >>   announcement by paying any upgrade costs of the facility for that
> >>   specific rank. If no upgrade costs are specified for a facility, a
> >>   player CANNOT increase the rank of that facility unless specified in
> >>   other rules.
> >>
> >> Create a new rule "Facility Colors" (Power=2.0):
> >>   A facility's Allowed Land Types is a switch with allowed values of a
> >>   list of allowed values of the Land Type switch, with a default value
> of
> >>   {"Black", "White"}. A facility may not have a Parent Land Unit whose
> >>   Land Type is not an element of their Allowed Land Types. If an action
> >>   or set of actions would cause a facility to be created with a Parent
> >>   Land Unit whose Land Type is not an element of its Allowed Land Types,
> >>   that action or set of actions fails. If a facility's Parent Land
> Unit's
> >>   Land Type is flipped to a color that is not in that facility's Allowed
> >>   Land Types, that facility is destroyed.
> >>
> >>   An “x facility”, where x is a Land Type or list of Land Types, refers
> >>   to a facility that has the Allowed Land Types switch set to x.
> >>
> >> Create a new rule "Gray Land" (Power=2.0):
> >>   Gray Land is preserved and owned by Agora. If Land becomes Gray Land,
> >>   it, along with any facilities with it as their Parent Land Unit, is
> >>   transferred to Agora.
> >>
> >> Amend “Actions in Arcadia” (Power=1.0) by replacing the first two
> element
> >> in the list with:
> >>   1. 1 apple to move from one Land Unit to an adjacent Unit if their
> Land
> >>   Types are the same or one of them is gray, and the destination is not
> >>   Aether;
> >>
> >>   2. 2 apples to move from one Land Unit to an adjacent Unit if their
> >>   Land Types differ, neither is gray, and the destination is not Aether;
> >>
> >> Create a new rule "Monument Facilities" (Power=1.0):
> >>   For each type of Monument facility, there may only be one instance of
> >>   that facility in existence at any one time. An action CANNOT cause an
> >>   Monument facility to exist while another Monument facility of the same
> >>   type is already in existence.
> >>
> >> Create a new rule "The Fountain" (Power=1.0):
> >>   A fountain is a Gray Monument facility. A fountain has no upkeep cost.
> >>
> >> Create a new rule "Wishing Fountain", (Power=1.0):
> >>   If a player's location is the same as a fountain, e CAN destroy a coin
> >>   to Throw A Coin into the fountain. This does nothing, unless specified
> >>   in another Rule. A player MAY announce what e wishes for when e Throws
> >>   A Coin.
> >>
> >> Set (0, 0)'s Land Type to "Gray".
> >> Create a fountain at (0, 0) belonging to Agora.
> >>
> >> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >> ID: 8034
> >> Title: Paydays Fix
> >> Adoption index: 2.0
> >> Author: G.
> >> Co-authors:
> >>
> >>
> >> Amend Rule 2559 (Paydays) by replacing the text:
> >>   e was not issued any Cards other than Green for eir conduct
> >>   in that office
> >> with:
> >>   no unforgivable fines were levied on em for eir conduct in that
> >>   office
> >>
> >> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >> ID: 8035
> >> Title: Nothing to worry about
> >> Adoption index: 1.0
> >> Author: G.
> >> Co-authors: omd, pokes, o
> >>
> >>
> >> When this proposal takes effect:
> >>
> >>   IF a body of text labelled TALES OF THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE has been
> >>   published since April 1, 2018,
> >>
> >>   AND that body of text has the following SHA-512 Hash:
> >>    40ae885e13bb285c25cc19aba4d5d73bf98908781a800a2a389925aa7eb3ad49
> >>    17aee5e4cfa14fd615193fa1fe2ba3d15fc246c98fb13f159034ae135beafbdf
> >>
> >>   THEN:
> >>
> >>    - First, the power of that body of text is set to the adoption
> >>      index of this proposal;
> >>    - Second the provisions contained in that body of text take effect;
> >>    - Finally, the power of that body of text is set to 0.
> >>
> >> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >> ID: 8036
> >> Title: Impeachment
> >> Adoption index: 2.0
> >> Author: Aris
> >> Co-authors:
> >>
> >>
> >> Enact a new power 2.0 rule, entitled "Impeachment", with the following
> text:
> >>
> >>   A player CAN be expelled (impeached) from a specified elected office
> which
> >>   e holds with 2 Agoran Consent. When a person is impeached from an
> office,
> >>   an election is immediately opened for that office. Players SHOULD NOT
> use
> >>   this method of removal unless the officer has abused the powers of eir
> >>   office or otherwise shown emself unworthy the trust of Agora.
> >>
> >> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >> ID: 8037
> >> Title: Medals of Honour Correction Act
> >> Adoption index: 1.0
> >> Author: ATMunn
> >> Co-authors:
> >>
> >>
> >> In rule 2529 "Medals of Honour", amend the first paragraph after the
> bullet
> >> list to read as follows:
> >> {
> >>   Beginning in the second Eastman week of an Agoran month and ending
> when the
> >>   next Agoran month begins, if there are any players who are eligible
> for a
> >>   Medal of Honour, the Herald CAN, by announcement, initiate an Agoran
> Decision
> >>   on who is to be awarded a Medal of Honour. E SHALL do so within the
> second
> >>   Eastman week of that Agoran month. For this decision, the valid
> options are
> >>   all players who are eligible for a Medal of Honour, the vote
> collector is the
> >>   Herald, and the voting method is instant-runoff. Upon the resolution
> of this
> >>   decision, the Herald CAN, and SHALL in a timely fashion, award the
> outcome of
> >>   the decision a Medal of Honour by announcement. After a player is
> awarded a
> >>   Medal of Honour, all players who were previously eligible for a Medal
> of
> >>   Honour become no longer eligible.
> >> }
> >>
> >> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >> ID: 8038
> >> Title: V.J. Rada Equitable Remedy.
> >> Adoption index: 1.0
> >> Author: V.J Rada
> >> Co-authors:
> >>
> >>
> >> If the Contract "Hi!" does not exist, create in V.J. Rada's
> >> possession assets equal to the assets in that Contract at the moment
> >> before its destruction. If that Contract still exists, destroy it and
> >> then create in V.J. Rada's possession assets equal to the assets in
> >> that Contract at the moment before its destruction.
> >>
> >> Then, transfer one paper and one coin from V.J. Rada to whoever pended
> >> this proposal. Then, transfer one coin to any player that voted for
> >> this proposal.
> >>
> >> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >> ID: 8039
> >> Title: V.J. Rada Equitable Remedy v2
> >> Adoption index: 2.1
> >> Author: Aris
> >> Co-authors: V.J. Rada
> >>
> >>
> >> If the Contract "Hi!" does not exist, create in V.J. Rada's
> >> possession assets equal to the assets in that Contract at the moment
> >> before its destruction. If that Contract still exists, destroy it and
> >> then create in V.J. Rada's possession assets equal to the assets in
> >> that Contract at the moment before its destruction.
> >>
> >> Then, transfer one paper and one coin from V.J. Rada to whoever pended
> >> this proposal. Then, transfer one coin from V.J. Rada to any player
> >> that voted for this proposal.
> >>
> >> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >> ID: 8040
> >> Title: Blot Expansion v3
> >> Adoption index: 3.0
> >> Author: Aris
> >> Co-author(s): Ørjan
> >>
> >>
> >> Amend Rule 2483, "Economics", by: {
> >>   Appending "10. incense", as a new list item after "9. fabric"; and
> >>
> >>   Changing "Stones, apples, and corn are considered unrefinable
> currencies;"
> >>   to read "Stones, apples, corn, and incense are considered unrefinable
> >>   currencies;"
> >> }
> >>
> >> Amend Rule 2563, "Production Facilities", by appending
> >>
> >>   "4. Temples
> >>          -  Build Cost: 2 lumber, and 3 fabric
> >>          -  Upkeep Cost: n-1 fabric
> >>          -  Production Details: 3n incense
> >>          -  Upgrade Costs:
> >>             -  Rank 2: 4 coins, 1 lumber, 1 fabric
> >>             -  Rank 3: 6 coins, 2 lumber, 3 fabric
> >>             -  Rank 4: 8 coins, 4 lumber, 2 stones, 5 fabric
> >>             -  Rank 5: 10 coins, 6 lumber, 4 stones, 7 fabric"
> >>
> >> Amend Rule 2559, "Paydays", by appending "D. 3 incense", as a new list
> item
> >> after "C. 2 papers".
> >>
> >> Amend the rule defining welcome packages by adding as a new item,
> appropriately
> >> numbered, at the end of the list "5 incense".
> >>
> >> Create 5 incense in the possession of each non-zombie player.
> >>
> >> Amend Rule 2557, "Removing Blots", by changing the first paragraph to
> read
> >>   "A player CAN, by announcement, destroy N incense in eir possession to
> >>   expunge N of eir blots. When e does so, e is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to
> publicly
> >>   and grandiloquently apologize to the Spirit of the Game for eir grave
> crime
> >>   in breaking the rules, to verbosely praise the same spirit, and to
> fervently
> >>   request forgiveness."
> >>
> >> Amend Rule 2556, "Penalties", by appending the text
> >>
> >>   "A player CAN, with 7 days notice, deregister (exile) a specified
> player
> >>   (the outlaw) who has more than 40 blots."
> >>
> >> as a new paragraph at the end of the rule.
> >>
> >> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >> ID: 8041
> >> Title: Consolidated Patch
> >> Adoption index: 2.0
> >> Author: Aris
> >> Co-author(s): Trigon, G.
> >>
> >>
> >> Reenact Rule 2456, "The Treasuror" (Power = 1.0), with the following
> text:
> >>   The Treasuror is an office.
> >>
> >>   The Treasuror's weekly report includes the list of all public classes
> >>   of assets.
> >>
> >> Make Gaelan the Treasuror.
> >>
> >> If Rule 2499 is not currently enacted, re-enact it with the following
> >> text: {
> >>
> >>  If a player has not received a Welcome Package since e most
> >>   recently registered, any player CAN cause em to receive one by
> >>   announcement.
> >>
> >>   When a player receives a Welcome Package, Agora creates the
> >>   following assets in eir possession:
> >>
> >>   1. 10 coins
> >>   2. 5 lumber
> >>   3. 5 stones
> >>   4. 10 apples
> >>   5. 3 papers
> >> }
> >>
> >> If a proposal entitled "Gray Land and the Fountain" has not passed: {
> >>   Amend Rule 2561, Asset Generation with Facilities, by inserting before
> >>   the text
> >>
> >>     "A player can take a number of assets from a facility's inventory
> >>     by announcement if eir location is the same as the facility's and
> >>   the following criteria are met:"
> >>
> >>   the text
> >>
> >>     "A player CANNOT transfer assets to a facility not at eir location."
> >> }
> >> otherwise: {
> >>   Amend Rule 2561, Asset Generation with Facilities, by inserting
> before the
> >>   text
> >>     "A player can take a number of assets from an Production or
> Processing
> >>     facility's inventory by announcement if eir location is the same as
> the
> >>     facility's and the following criteria are met:"
> >>
> >>   the text
> >>
> >>   "A player CANNOT transfer assets to a facility not at eir location."
> >> }
> >>
> >> Amend Rule 2003, Actions in Arcadia, by changing the text "substitute 3
> >> apples for 1 corn" to read "substitute 1 coin for three or fewer
> apples".
> >>
> >> Amend Rule 2551, "Auction End", by changing the text
> >>
> >>   "When e does so, the Auctioneer SHALL transfer the items in that lot
> >>   to that winner in a timely fashion. If the Auctioneer is not a
> >>   person, then a person authorized to cause the Auctioneer to transfer
> >>   those items SHALL do so in a timely fashion after the winner pays the
> >>   Auctioneer, instead."
> >>
> >>   to read
> >>
> >>   "When e does so, if the auctioneer CAN transfer the items in that lot
> to
> >>   that winner at will, e immediately does so; otherwise, e SHALL do so
> in a
> >>   timely fashion. For this purpose, a contract CAN do whatever it could
> >>   do if it were a person in addition to what it can do as a contract,
> >>   and Agora CAN do anything."
> >>
> >> Amend Rule 1885, Zombie Auctions, by removing the final paragraph and by
> >> appending the text "For the purpose of such a auction, to transfer a
> zombie to
> >> a player is to set that zombie's master switch to that player." to the
> third
> >> paragraph.
> >>
> >> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > From V.J. Rada
> --
> From V.J. Rada

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