Reenact not renact. there's a misplaced { in the middle of the
second-last change.

On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 12:42 PM, Aris Merchant
<> wrote:
> Okay, here's a contracts system based on the model proposed by G. I
> welcome any clean-up suggestions or other improvements, although I
> think I've kept it fairly minimal, with the exception of the
> provisions in the assets rule, which will remain problematic until it
> sees its own reform.
> -Aris
> ---
> Title: Minimalist Contracts v1
> Adoption index: 2.5
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors: G., V.J. Rada
> [This proposal saves allowing contracts to control assets until we decide
> to allow them to be persons, which is its own can of worms.]
> Renact Rule 1742, "Contracts", at power 2.5, with the following text:
>   Any group of two or more consenting persons (the parties) may
>   make an agreement among themselves with the intention that it be
>   binding upon them and be governed by the rules. Such an agreement
>   is known as a contract. A contract may be modified, including
>   by changing the set of parties, by agreement between all existing
>   parties. A contract may also terminate by agreement between all
>   parties. A contract automatically terminates if the number of
>   parties to it falls below two. For the purposes of this rule,
>   agreement includes both consent and agreement specified by
>   contract.
>   Parties to a contract governed by the rules SHALL act in
>   accordance with that contract. This obligation is not impaired
>   by contradiction between the contract and any other contract, or
>   between the contract and the rules.
>   A contract may act as a backing document, as permitted by other
>   rules. A party to a contract may act on behalf of another party
>   to it as allowed in the contract.
> [Comments on whether the backing document bit belongs here would be
> appreciated.]
> [The portion below may be messy, but that's existing assets rule
> messiness, which is also my fault and also needs fixing.]
> If Rule 2166, "Assets", does not include the word "contract": {
>   In Rule 2166, change the sentence containing the text "(hereafter
>   its backing document)" to read
>     "An asset is an entity defined as such by a (a) rule, (b)
>     authorized regulation, (c) group of rules and/or authorized
>     regulations (but if such regulations modify a preexisting asset
>     class defined by a rule or another title of regulations, they must
>     be authorized specifically to do so by their parent rule), or (d)
>     contract (hereafter its backing document), and existing solely
>     because its backing document defines its existence."
>   In Rule 2166, append the paragraph
>     "An asset or class of assets is private, rather than public, if its
>      backing document is a contract."
>   to the end of the rule.
> }

>From V.J. Rada

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