On Sat, 2018-06-23 at 23:25 +0200, Corona wrote:
> I'm not using infinite regression. I'm basing my vote on the next
> (hypothetical) player to vote, who would vote "I do the same as the last
> six people in this thread", the six people being Aris, VJ Rada, twg,
> ATMunn, Trigon (who all voted FOR all proposals) and me.
> Thus the only way for their conditional vote to resolve as FOR all
> proposals is for my conditional vote to resolve as FOR all proposals (if I
> voted differently, their conditional vote would be indeterminate and
> default to PRESENT).

Either you've done the same thing as the other people or you've done
something different.

If we're assuming that you've done something different, "I do the same
as the last six people in the thread" won't do anything because it's
too ambiguous.

If we're assuming that you've done something that's the same, then
you've made a conditional vote. So the next person, who's doing
something the same as everyone else (including you) is therefore making
a conditional vote, based on the hypothetical person after them.

If you're arguing "but it's only me who made a conditional vote, the
other people didn't!" then you're arguing that you've done something
that's relevantly different from the other people in the thread, and as
such your hypothetical can't possibly succeed.


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