Clarification: that is not, of course, a self-ratifying list of assets.

On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 2:33 PM, Rebecca <> wrote:
> This is a Notary weekly report. The following pledges exist within the
> time window
> PLEDGES (self-ratifying list of assets)
> == Trigon - Created 01 Jun 2018 07:35:31
> I pledge to use as much integrity as is possible whenever I generate
> random numbers.
> == Corona - Created 27 May 2018 17:29:28
> I pledge to do all of the following in Blognomic's current dynasty:
> -always ahoy
> Gams
> -call hunts most of the time
> -not change derrick’s or Cuddlebeam’s position if they perform their duties
> adequately (scrubbing, joining hunts if healthy…)
> -scrub the decks whenever I
> am online and can do so
> -generally work toward the preservation of the ship and the lives of
> sailors, and maximizing profits
> == G. - Created 10 May 2018 15:39:57
> I pledge that I will not make any bids on behalf of zombies in the May
> 2018 zombie auction.
> ------------------------------
> Contracts are no longer a thing that I track.
> --
> From V.J. Rada

>From V.J. Rada

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