​Isn't there a rule such that "arguments SHALL be sorted by docket by the
submitter or as being PROCEDURAL"​?


On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 6:06 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:

> Persons who haven't entered yet still have a few hours!
> #5 Publius Scribonius Scholasticus 7 Jul 2018 19:34:47 -0400
> In the interest of bringing all evidence and opinions to the discussion,
> Acknowledging the burden of maintaining Counselorship,
> I request that the court allow Strangers (defined, in these rules as
> non-Counselors) to submit evidence and opinions to the court. Such
> evidence or opinions should be analysed by all counselors in the
> production of their further arguments.
> Counsellor, this is VALID.  However, what makes you think there are
> *any* non-counsellors in this courtroom?
> Style:  1.0
> #6 Publius Scribonius Scholasticus 7 Jul 2018 19:54:14 -0400
> In the interest of maintaining decorum, as required by FRC-1, I ask
> that the court require all Counselors and strangers to address each
> other with the deserved respect. Thus, all Counselors SHALL address
> each other in arguments, as My Fellow Counselor. The Right Honourable
> Judge G. SHALL be referred to as such, by all Counselors in all
> arguments. Holders of Nomic degrees who are Strangers higher than an
> Associate of Nomic SHALL be addressed, by all Counselors in all
> arguments, as The Learned for a Bachelor of Nomic, The Right Learned
> for a Master of Nomic, or The Most Learned for any Doctorate of Nomic.
> Holders of the patent title, "Champion", who are Strangers SHALL be
> addressed, by all Counselors in all arguments, as The Victorious.
> Holders of any Heroic patent title who are Strangers SHALL be
> addressed, by all Counselors in all arguments, as The Heroic, or if a
> Hero of Agora, the Right Heroic, or if a Grand Hero of Agora, the Most
> Heroic. Any current officers of Agora who are Strangers SHALL be
> addressed, by all Counselors in all arguments, as The Honourable. Any
> current or former Distributor of Agora SHALL be addressed, by all
> Counselors in all arguments, as The Right Honourable. I hope that
> these rules of Decorum should please the court.
> VALID.  We've heard from you a considerable amount, Counsellor.  Please
> take a seat until someone else has had a chance to speak.
> STYLE:  0.0
> OOC Comment
> In the Original FRC, Style "wins" award a very minor boon, so repeated
> entries to increase style aren't really a thing.  Here, since a style
> win is equivalent to a validity win, repeated entries for style is a
> bit of a loophole.  TO COUNTERACT THAT, from henceforth, the *maximum*
> Style I will award any "in a row" VALID entries from one person will
> be 0. (does not apply if you're following up after an INVALID entry).

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