Ok. What are the proposal numbers? I will vote as you did.

On 8/2/2018 6:38 PM, Timon Walshe-Grey wrote:
Yes and yes, so unfortunately you can't start auctions by contract any more. 
Not that that would necessarily be the best method, anyway - I imagine you 
wouldn't have any use for the funds you'd collect. Perhaps some sort of lottery 
(making a pledge to choose the winner fairly)? If it helps, I believe your land 
unit (and attached farm) is by far the most valuable asset in your possession.

Also, as Assessor, could I ask you to vote (even PRESENT) in the current batch 
of proposals before you go? Quorum is rather high at the moment.


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On August 2, 2018 4:45 PM, ATMunn <iamingodsa...@gmail.com> wrote:

Also, I'd like to distribute my assets to others in a fair way, so that
someone doesn't buy me as a zombie and get a bunch of stuff, as has
happened previously a lot. What is the best way to do this? Have
contracts changed like was discussed? Can you even loot zombies like
that still?

On 8/2/2018 12:40 PM, ATMunn wrote:

I really haven't had any interest to try to play Agora recently. I'm
not going to deregister, because last time I did that I regretted it,
but I won't be opposed to becoming a zombie.
I resign the office of Tailor, if I still hold it.

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