Sigh. I had something a bit broader than this that’s almost ready to post,
and I just hadn’t gotten to looking it over and sending it out. Sorry about
that. I wouldn’t suggest retracting this. I’ll post mine and we’ll see what
the response is like. Again, my apologies.


On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 5:22 PM D. Margaux <> wrote:

> I submit and pend the following proposal:
> ////
> Title: Criminal Justice Adjustments Act
> AI: 2
> Author: D Margaux
> [Purpose is to streamline and clarify the conditions under
> which fines can be imposed; make it possible to impose
> fines after 14 days when a finger is pointed within 14 days;
> and to clarify the time period for imposing fines when it is
> based on the failure to meet a deadline]
> Amend Rule 2531 (Referee Accountability) to replace this text:
> "Any attempt to levy a fine is INEFFECTIVE if it does not include
> (1) value of the fine in blots, (2) the name of the person being
> fined (the perp), and (3) the specific reason for the fine, or if
> it attempts to levy a fine on a person for an action or inaction
> which e (more likely than not) did not commit, or if it attempts
> to levy a fine for an action or inaction which is not prohibited
> by law, or if it attempts to levy a fine with a value which is
> blatantly and obviously unsuited to the conduct which constitutes
> the reason for its levy or to the person to which it is being
> levied, or if it is made more than 14 days after the conduct
> constituting the reason for the fine, or if it attempts to levy a
> fine to a player who has already been levied a fine for the
> conduct constituting the reason for the levy, or if it attempts to
> levy a fine on a zombie for an action that its master performed on
> its behalf."
> with this text:
> "Any attempt to levy a fine is INEFFECTIVE if:
>      (1) it does not include value of the fine in blots, the name
>          of the person being fined (the perp), and the specific
>          reason for the fine;
>      (2) it attempts to levy a fine on a person for an action or
>          inaction which e (more likely than not) did not commit;
>      (3) it attempts to levy a fine for an action or inaction
>          which is not prohibited by law;
>      (4) it attempts to levy a fine with a value that is blatantly
>          and obviously unsuited to the conduct which constitutes
>          the reason for its levy or to the person on whom it is
>          being levied;
>      (5) it attempts to levy a fine (i) by summary judgement more
>          than 14 days after the action constituting the reason
>          for the fine or (ii) based upon the investigation of
>          of a Finger that had been Pointed more than 14 days
>          after the action constituting the reason for the fine;
>      (6) it attempts to levy a fine on a player for failing to
>          take an action within the time period set by the Rules
>          and that time period had expired (i) more than 14 days
>          prior to the attempted fine, if the attempted fine is
>          imposed by summary judgement or (ii) more than 14 days
>          prior to the Pointed Finger, if the fine is imposed
>          based on an investigation of such Finger;
>      (7) it attempts to levy a fine on a player who has already
>          been fined for the conduct constituting the reason for
>          the levy; or
>      (8) it attempts to levy a fine on a zombie for an action
>          that its master performed on its behalf."
> --
> D. Margaux

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