Instead, how about we adopt the following term:


* American English /snɚd/
* British English /snəd/

(noun) 1. short for "super nerd"; i.e. "People who know Lojban are snerds"


On Thu, Nov 22, 2018, 17:41 Aris Merchant < wrote:

> I propose to conduct an experiment into the nature of the Agoran
> dialect, and specifically how easy it is to change it. I'm planning to
> start occasionally sprinkling some Lojban indicators [1] into my
> emails. They represent expressions like "yay!", ";)", or "IMO", but
> Lojban has many more of them than English. I will gloss most of them,
> and guarantee that I will gloss anything that substantially changes
> the meaning of a sentence. This isn't an attempt to do an experiment
> from the perspective of rules or formal actions (I don't expect to do
> anything that causes a CFJ). Instead, I'm just going to start using
> some useful expressions and see if any of them become part of standard
> Agoran. Of course, I would encourage other interested parties to try
> doing the same thing. Does anyone have any objections to this
> proposal?
> [1]
> -Aris

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