On Fri, 2019-01-04 at 10:52 -0800, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> [Ok, even with politics and spaaace in the queue, those are a couple weeks
> away.  Thought I'd throw this out and see if enough people were around to
> start something like this in the meantime.  Guessing it would last <6
> weeks].

Apples are probably too rare, relative to the number of cards that will
be drawn; and information requests are probably too expensive. The game
seems to be about balancing access to information with raw card supply,
and crafting accordingly, but the cheapest way to request information
costs 3 apples (thus, effectively, 6 cards). It seems unlikely that
that trade will be worthwhile.

I also can't see a strong reason not to wait until the last moment to
do crafting (once you know most of the scoring rules because they've
become public). The only reason to craft would be to gain hints about
how refined currencies affect the scoring, but that information will
mostly become public in time anyway.


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