I'd accept this argument if it were a "by announcement" action, but the
requirement is literally to "state" a specific fact.  Asserting that you can
perform this by not directly and clearly stating the fact is I Say I Did.

Quang aside, would you say that "I earn how ever many assets R2496 says I
should earn for the latest X report" meets the criteria?  That's just as
understandable a code as yours, if not more so.   If it does meet the
criteria, what's the point of R2496 requiring the "statement of how many" in
the first place?  You'd be overriding a plainly-written Rules requirement,
which is not giving the text of the rules precedence as per R217.

On 2/2/2019 3:23 AM, Timon Walshe-Grey wrote:
Counter-argument: To "quang" an office was earlier defined as being to earn 5 coins for publishing 
that office's most recent report, and appears now to have entered common Agoran parlance (totally 
unintentionally on my part, I assure you). The set of assets "5 coins" is part of the definition of 
"quang", and therefore a statement that one quangs _is_ a statement that one earns 5 coins.

A similar situation would be if somebody said, "I earn a number of coins 1 greater than 4 for publishing 
the most recent Arbitraryofficor report." E would not have explicitly used the digit "5" in 
the string of characters making up eir statement, but it quite clearly means exactly the same thing as 
"I earn 5 coins for publishing the most recent Arbitraryofficor report.", and should be acceptable 
to R2496.


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Friday, February 1, 2019 2:18 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@uw.edu> wrote:

Ok the moot ain't happening let's start again.

CFJ: In the message quoted in evidence, D. Margaux earned at least 1 coin.

I bar twg.
(I suggest Trigon as judge if e's willing!)

The requirement for earning a reward is explicit and literal in R2496: a
player does it by "stating how many assets e earns as a result". Accepting
quang in this context means accepting that you can state how many assets you
earn by NOT stating how many assets you earn. This is more nonsensical than
is usual even for Agora, and if Rule text and words are going to mean
anything, it simply shouldn't work.


On 1/29/2019 9:17 AM, D. Margaux wrote:

I quang Arbitor and Registrar

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