The mistake of conflating retitlings and amendments has been made many times recently, the most recent being by an experienced player, and one of the earlier ones breaking a minigame completely. Also, adding different property changes as separate rule changes is more time-consuming for your Rulekeepor than being able to just put them in as a singular rule change. So here we go:

Title: Extend "amend"

Amend Rule 105 (Power=3) 'Rule Changes' by removing items 3-6 in the
ordered list and then adding to that list:

      3. reenact a rule. A repealed rule not in the ruleset identified
         by its most recent rule number MUST be specified for
         reenactment. The rule's properites are to be set as follows:

         * its ID number will be the same as it was when the rule was
           most recently repealed.

         * its change identifier will be one more than its change
           identifier when it was most recently repealed.

         * If no text is specified for the rule, it is to have the same
           text it had when it was most recently repealed. If the
           reenacting instrument provides new text, it is to have that
           text. The rule SHOULD have materially the same purpose as did
           the repealed version.

         * If a new power is not specified, it is to have power equal to
           the power it had at the time of its most recent repeal, or
           power 1, if power was not defined at the time of that rule's
           repeal. If the reenacting instrument provides a new power, it
           is to have that power.

         * If a new title is not specified, it is to have the same title
           as it had when it was most recently repealed. If the
           reenacting instrument provides a new title, it is to have
           that title.

         If the re-enacting instrument is incapable of setting the
         reenacted rule's power to that value, then the re-enactment is

      4. amend a rule. This may include changing the rule's text, name,
         or power.


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