I vote as follows:  (Telnaior, Gaelan, CuddleBeam, twg).  Total
coincidence that this was the order I listed the options lol

Reasons:  Quite tough to choose between Telnaior and Gaelan.  Both
very good.  Telnaior takes several rules (Rewards, Assets, Reports and
Duties) and links parts of them - but once linked, a plain reading of
the clauses makes Telnaior's reading fairly clear and the most
plausible IMO - it might even be one of those that everyone agrees
works without a CFJ, once pointed out.  Gaelan's was very clever
indeed, but the cleverness was in finding a strict technical reading
of rule grammar that was not intended (ha) to read that way, and also
relied on the classic "no one finding a hidden notice of intent" to
work.    So Telnaior's stands out just a little bit more for me in
terms of style.  Also: bonus to Telnaior for restraint! (I privately
said to em before e revealed, that IMO it was perfectly ethical/fine
as far as scams go, and e still refrained).

CuddleBeam's Contract finding is quite interesting (and does point out
a danger) but is more of a definitional debate of a sort we've had in
the past of what "agreements" mean.

twg's scam attempt pointed out that one of our most long-standing scam
protections may be badly worded and weaker than we thought in the
current version - and the fact that D. Margaux also spotted it means
the wording was worth looking at with fresh eyes.  But ultimately the
fairly-straightforward reading of the rules meant things were (more or
less) what we thought they were.

Since (so far) my zombie would simply cancel out D. Margaux's zombie
as per the order of the top two, using my zombie would be the same as
ignoring zombies.  So (using the same conditional that D. Margaux did)
if we are counting zombies, on behalf of Halian I cast the same vote
as above.

On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 11:03 AM Kerim Aydin <ke...@uw.edu> wrote:
> Who had the best loophole, bug, or scam during Read the Ruleset week?
> Here starts an UNOFFICIAL AGORAN DECISION with the following modifications:
> -  Ranked choice:  It's not bad form to vote for yourself, but please
>     consider 2nd, 3rd, etc.
> -  Counting long term-watchers' votes too!  If ais523, Ørjan, or other
>     watchers would like to opine.
> -  Using the Auction method for ending the decision (4 days since last
>     vote, no more than 7 days total).
> -  I'll give my own votes in 24-48 hours.
> OPTIONS (vote for the person)
> Telnaior illustrating that contracts can make infinitely-rewarding reports:
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2019-February/039875.html
> (unjudged; arguments for it working stronger than arguments against IMO,
> fix proposed).
> Gaelan's attempt to win by Apathy, by using two messages for the same
> intent:
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2019-February/039934.html
> (Judged to have succeeded on reconsideration, though caught up in broader
> issues of Satisfaction, fix proposed).
> CuddleBeam arguing that Agora is a Contract, possibly a worldview shift:
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2019-February/039955.html
> (Judged to be true, may be more of a curiosity than a practical matter, but
> it's a curiosity very much in the Agoran spirit).
> twg attempt to use contracts to induct the unwilling:
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2019-February/039950.html
> (Judged to have failed, but pointed out the need for clearer wording or
> stronger protections in the Rules).
> Honorable Mentions:
> D. Margaux working the Contract Bug:
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2019-February/039896.html
> (and when twg scooped em, followed up with a different approach):
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2019-February/039953.html
> CuddleBeam pointing out that space wins are infinite:
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2019-February/039895.html
> Falsifian, for pointing out that Satisfaction has been borked for over 2
> years (unfortunately late for the contest!  But the biggest bug correction
> for a while and Falsifian is working hard on a fix).
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2019-February/040023.html
> twg's assertion that Rule 2571 is guilty of violating Rule 105.  (also too
> late to enter):
> https://www.mail-archive.com/agora-business@agoranomic.org/msg33517.html

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