On 2/26/19 4:34 PM, Owen Jacobson wrote> Reuben Staley <reuben.sta...@gmail.com> also wrote:

Along the same line, we have the distribution system of proposals. This goes 
along with (1), but is still worth mentioning. In most other Nomics, proposals 
are immediately put up for voting since one post can represent a proposal. Of 
course, this is not something that would definitely have to go; it's not hard 
to imagine a blog-based Nomic in which proposals are distributed all at once.

Agora’s propose-then-distribute-then-vote model closely mirrors how proposals 
are resolved in systems like Robert’s Rules, which are designed to be effective 
up to the 200-person deliberative scale. That a cut-down version is effective 
in Agora is not surprising, but I think it is important. The immediacy of 
decisions in other nomics reflects the immediacy of, say, a pull request, and 
probably puts similar pressures on people to make snap decisions, whereas the 
more structured schedule Agora uses gives people a deliberate and 
widely-agreed-upon window of time to consider and respond before the 
opportunity to give input closes.

In most other nomics I've played, I haven't noticed the *need* for such deliberation. Rarely has there been proposal in other more ephemeral nomics that really needed more that the standard 48-96 hours of discussion about whether or not it would be a good idea. Agora has more of these than other games, sure, but even here, they're rather uncommon. Most proposals could probably be resolved here in a matter of days.

You’ve made a strong argument that no current web-based discussion system is a 
good match _as shipped,_ though. None of them include the idea of gathering up 
and regularly publishing digests of important subjects (proposals, in this 
case). It’s something the users can do, just as we do with email on Agora, 
instead, perhaps.

It's not as if we don't have any options at all to implement a digest-system, though. G.'s reply to this thread presents a rather good method to keep our reports system mostly intact, for instance.

Reuben Staley <reuben.sta...@gmail.com> also wrote:

Now, let's discuss potential new forums for Agora. I believe that a bulletin 
board would be the best way to continue playing Agora should it be moved. 
Agoran threads get very long very fast, and a bulletin board would show every 
comment response. Gamestate tracking could be relegated to a specific category 
of posts; as could proposals and maybe even minigames. This may just be my 
personal opinion about bulletin boards being the best out of the current ways 
to play Nomic; however, I do honestly believe it would be the best way to go.

I hope this helps you with your research, o.

Thank you, it very much does.

Remember, my intention is not to move Agora. I like Agora where it is, and 
would personally vote against proposals (or try to oust officers) that attempt 
to move it to a web forum, absent an extremely compelling reason to change or a 
patent and obvious shift in the culture of the game. I’m looking at ways to 
extract useful tools from Agora to apply to other groups - particularly, groups 
where I see that consensus mechanisms either don’t exist or have broken down 

I would also vote against such proposals, and I understand your intention behind this thread. As a self-proclaimed nomic scholor, I am rather curious to see how you implement this data.


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