On Sun, 28 Apr 2019 at 03:58, James Cook <jc...@cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Apr 2019 at 02:39, Aris Merchant
> <thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > We need to decide who will take which offices. Currently we need a new
> > ADoP, Arbitor, Assessor, Astronomor, Clork, Herald, Referee, Registrar,
> > Tailor, and Treasuror. That's 10 vacant or essentially vacant offices. Of
> > those, I would consider Arbitor and Assessor to be most urgent, as they are
> > needed to maintain essential functions. I would consider Referee,
> > Treasuror, and ADoP to be important, as they are needed to maintain
> > non-essential functions that are nevertheless necessary for the game to
> > remain healthy. I would consider Herald and Tailor to be relatively
> > unimportant, given the current state of crisis. Finally, I would consider
> > Astronomor and Clork to be candidates for deletion; in other words, I will
> > propose to remove their respective systems if they go unfilled for much
> > longer. There's no point in keeping a mini-game no one is playing, and an
> > unmaintained mini-game is a dead mini-game.
> >
> > I'll take Arbitor, although I'm unsure if I'll want to hold on to it in the
> > long run. I cannot take Assessor, since I already hold the incompatible
> > office of Promotor, and anyway I'm not sure I'd want it. I'd take Referee,
> > but it and Arbitor are incompatible. I want to run the next birthday
> > tournament, so I was going to ask whoever the Herald turned out to be to
> > appoint me as eir delegate. If there are no interested takers, I can hold
> > down Herald temporarily too, although if I do I may propose the repeal of
> > Karma to cut down on the workload. Normally, I wouldn't consider taking an
> > office if I thought I might not have time for all of its present
> > responsibilities, but as I said, I consider this a crisis. Who else is
> > interested in holding an office, either permanently or temporarily (please
> > state which like I did)?
> >
> > -Aris
> I'm happy to try out one office --- I'll hold it for a month, and then
> resign if I decide I can't reliably fulfill the duty. I don't have a
> strong preference among the urgent and important offices you listed.
> I also might fill in other offices on a more temporary basis, probably
> by deputising and later resigning. I like the Karma mechanic, so if
> nobody wants to be Herald I might deputise just to keep that going.

I'm currently studying the Registrar's duties.

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