Well, this should be fun :)

On 6/2/19 10:38 PM, James Cook wrote:
I Point my Finger at every player, in the following order:

     omd, Aris, Gaelan, G., Cuddle Beam, Trigon, Murphy, ATMunn, twg,
D. Margaux, Jacob Arduino, Falsifian, Bernie, Rance, o, Jason Cobb,
Walker, PSS, Corona, V.J. Rada, L, Hālian, Tarhalindur, Telnaior,
Baron von Vaderham

for failing to perform The Ritual in the previous Agoran week.

Explanation for how each player P violated the rules:
* Rule 2596 required The Ritual to be performed.
* P had a method available to perform The Ritual. Therefore P is
responsible if The Ritual was not performed.

(I had honestly intended to perform it at the last minute once again
this week, but forgot. I intended to do this because I try to follow
the rules. Though, honestly, I'm happy that we finally missed a week
so that we get to see what happens.)

Jason Cobb

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