There's no such thing as a Call for *Justice*.  :)

Jason Cobb

On 6/9/19 7:49 PM, Rance Bedwell wrote:
I want to attempt to banish The Ritual, but I do not believe it is currently 
possible to do so. For this reason I Call For Justice for this statement:

"The value of N Agoran Consent currently required to banish The Ritual (Rule 2596) 
is indeterminate, because it is not possible to know if The Ritual was performed in the 
week that began on May 27."

Arguments in support of the CFJ

If it is not possible to know the number of weeks that the ruleset has been 
continuously appeased (value of B per Rule 2596) then it is not possible to 
determine the value of N Agoran Consent as defined in Rule 2596.  If it is not 
possible to know whether The Ritual was performed during the week of May 27, 
then it is not possible to determine the value of B.

I believe it is not possible to know if The Ritual was performed because the rules do not 
define or limit the scope of what The Ritual is.  No player paid a fee of 7 coins which 
is the only way to know that The Ritual was performed, but the failure to pay a fee of 7 
coins is not necessarily proof that The Ritual was not performed since The Ritual is 
never defined specifically as "paying a fee of 7 coins".

Consider a possible rule named "Definition of The Ritual" that reads: "The Ritual is 
the posting of a message to a public forum."

If this were a rule in the current ruleset, it would not in any way conflict with or modify the meaning of Rule 2596.  
The clause "Any player CAN perform The Ritual by paying a fee of 7 Coins." meets the requirements of the 
hypothetical "Definition of The Ritual" rule. The paying of 7 coins is a specific way to perform The Ritual 
but is not the The Ritual itself.  If the "Definition of The Ritual" rule is then removed that does not 
change anything in Rule 2596 so still The Ritual is not equal to or defined as "paying a fee of 7 coins".  
The Ritual is something else which at this time is undefined.

Or, consider a possible rule named "Long Live Agora" that reads:  "Any player CAN 
perform The Ritual by announcing 'Long live Agora the glorious, long live Agora the beautiful, long 
live Agora the magnificent.'"

If this were a rule in the current ruleset, it also would not conflict with 
Rule 2596.  It would describe a different way that The Ritual CAN be performed, 
but since neither rule specifies how The Ritual MUST be performed they would 
not conflict.  They would describe two possible ways The Ritual CAN be 
performed, but they would not define The Ritual.

If Rule 2596 specified that The Ritual MUST be performed by paying a fee of 7 coins, that 
would then create a defined scope of what The Ritual is or is not.  The "Long Live 
Agora" rule would lie outside of that scope and would conflict with the definition.  
This is another example that supports that The Ritual is currently undefined.

If Rule 2596 stated; "Any player CAN perform The Ritual by paying a fee of 7 Coins. 
The Ritual MUST be performed by paying a fee of 7 coins at least once in every Agoran 
week..." then The Ritual would be defined and we would know it was not performed in 
the week of May 27.  Since it is not defined in the rule, it is not possible to know if 
The Ritual was performed in that week.  This means the value of B and thus also N in Rule 
2596 are currently indeterminate.


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