I am the author of "Not so indestructible now, eh?". This is correct in the table but not correct in the text of the proposal.

Jason Cobb

On 6/11/19 7:31 PM, Aris Merchant wrote:
Given how long it's been, and how many proposals there are, I'd like
to send out a draft rather than just getting everything wrong. Here's
that draft. There will be a small reward (plus my appreciation) for
any corrections!

I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
quorum is 9, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID    Author(s)             AI    Title
8180  Trigon, D Margaux     1.0   Paying our Assessor
8181  D Margaux, [1]        1.7   Referee CAN Impose Fines (v1.1)
8182  Jason Cobb            3.0   Add value to zombies
8183  V.J. Rada, Tiger      3.0   Regulated Actions Reform
8184  G.                    3.0   power-limit precedence
8185  Trigon                3.0   OUGHT we?
8186  Jason Cobb            3.0   Minor currency fixes
8187  Jason Cobb            3.0   Not so indestructible now, eh?

[1] Falsifian, twg

The proposal pool is currently empty.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below.

ID: 8180
Title: Paying our Assessor
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Trigon
Co-authors: D Margaux

[ Comment: This is something I didn't include from the version of
    Rule 2496 that I didn't include for whatever reason. ]

To Rule 2496 "Rewards" add the following bullet point after the third
   "Resolving an Agoran Decision on whether to adopt a proposal,
   provided that no other Agoran Decision on whether to adopt that or any
   other proposal had been resolved earlier in that Agoran week: 5 coins."

ID: 8181
Title: Referee CAN Impose Fines (v1.1)
Adoption index: 1.7
Author: D Margaux
Co-authors: Falsifian, twg

Amend Rule 2478 to replace this text:

   “When a player Points a Finger, the investigator SHALL investigate the
   allegation and, in a timely fashion, SHALL conclude the investigation by:”

With this text:

   “When a player Points a Finger, the investigator SHALL investigate the
   allegation and CAN, and in a timely fashion SHALL, conclude the investigation

ID: 8182
Title: Add value to zombies
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Jason Cobb

Amend Rule 2574 as follows:

   Replace the text
     "Resale is a secured natural switch for zombies"
   with the text
     "Resale value is a secured natural switch for zombies".

   Replace the text "Resale value" in the third item of the only list
   with the text "resale value".

ID: 8183
Title: Regulated Actions Reform
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: V.J. Rada
Co-authors: Tiger

Amend Rule 2125 "Regulated Actions" by replacing the text
   "The Rules SHALL NOT be interpreted so as to proscribe unregulated actions."

with the text

   "Nothing in the Rules and no other Entity nor any other thing under these
   rules proscribes unregulated actions, and this sentence takes precedence
   over any Rule or Entity that could be interpreted as proscribing such an

ID: 8184
Title: power-limit precedence
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: G.

Amend Rule 2140 (Power Controls Mutability) by replacing:
       No entity with power below
       Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, no entity with power below

ID: 8185
Title: OUGHT we?
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Trigon

In Rule 2152:


ID: 8186
Title: Minor currency fixes
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Jason Cobb

Amend Rule 2578 ("Currencies") as follows:

   Replace all instances of the text '"Agora's official currency"' with
   the text "the official currency of Agora". [Note: this strikes the
   quotation marks]

   Amend Rule 2549 ("Auction Initiation") as follows:
   Replace all instances of the text "Agora's official currency" with
   the text "the official currency of Agora".

   Amend Rule 2483 ("Economics") as follows:

   Replace the text "Coins are the official currency of Agora tracked
   by the Treasuror." with the text "Coins are the official currency of
   Agora and are tracked by the Treasuror."

ID: 8187
Title: Not so indestructible now, eh?
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Trigon

[Comment: This fixes the underlying issue behind my recently submitted
CFJ. This also allows contracts to destroy their own indestructible assets.]

Amend the first paragraph of Rule 2577 as follows:

   Replace the text
     "An indestructible asset is one defined as such by it backing document,
     and CANNOT be destroyed except by a proposal or rule, other
     than this one, specifically addressing the destruction of indestructible
     assets or that asset in particular"
   with the text
     "An indestructible asset is one defined as such by its backing document,
     and CANNOT be destroyed except as explicitly specified by its backing


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