On 9/17/19 12:25 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
On 9/16/2019 6:42 PM, Jason Cobb wrote:
  > there's not that many uses for coins right now.

I'm just gonna repost this proto from May - no longer "topical" I suppose
but it's an idea. (I know there were some comments back then, particularly
some nice stone ideas from Falsifian, I'll include those comments in the
next draft if there's interest in this draft).  If there's momentum
for a new multi-tiered economy this can just stay an idea.

Proto: Stones

I really like this idea for a subgame. (Sorry, praise over text is hard.)

[Reason: we need more things to auction.  And vaguely topical.]

New Rules to be created (will add the appropriate verbiage, power,
etc. in the next draft)

        A Stone is a unique indestructable liquid asset defined by the

AFAIK there is no definition of "unique" for assets - you could just provide no way to create them. Also, does anything actually create the stones in any entity's possession?

Editorial: only time where "Stone" is capitalized

To define a stone, the definition must include:
        (i)   The unique Name of the stone;
        (ii)  The Frequency of the stone's use, which must be one of
              daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or N/A.
        (iii) The Escape Risk of the stone, which must be a percentage
              between 10% and 100% inclusive;
        (iii) The Effects of wielding the stone.

        Ownership of stones is entirely restricted to Agora and players.
        The Stonekeepor is an office, and the recordkeepor of stones.

What do you mean by "entirely"? As in no Lost & Found department?

Wielding Stones
        Unless otherwise made IMPOSSIBLE by the rules, the owner of a
        stone CAN wield it by announcement, clearly specifying any
        values needed to interpret the stone's effects.

        If the frequency of a stone is not N/A, then it is IMPOSSIBLE to
        activate that stone if it has been previously wielded in the

"activate that stone" doesn't appear to be defined anywhere else.

        same Agoran time interval as indicated by its frequency (e.g. if
        its frequency is daily, if it has been wielded in the same Agoran

        When a stone is wielded, the power of the stone is set to the
        power of the rule defining that stone, and the stone applies its
        defined effects as specified; the power of the stone is immediately
        thereafter set to 0.

Distributing Stones
        The Stonekeepor CAN initiate an auction for any set of stones
        belonging to Agora for which an auction is not ongoing, with each
        individual stone being an auction lot.  The Stonekeepor is the
        Announcer, the auctioneer is Agora, and the auction currency is

        The Stonekeepor SHALL so initiate an auction for a set of stones
        consisting of at least one third the stones eligible for auction
        in a timely fashion after publishing a Collection Notice.

Collecting Stones
        Once per month, the Stonekeepor CAN publish a Collection Notice.
        A collection notice includes, for every stone not belonging to

Editorial: inconsistent capitalization of "Collection Notice".

        Agora, a random choice of whether that stone escapes; it escapes
        with a probability equal to its escape risk.  When a stone
        escapes, it is transferred to Agora.  The Stonekeepor SHALL
        publish such a notice in the first Eastman week of each month.

The Gauntlet
        When a player makes a correct announcement that a single specified
        player, owns 5 or more stones, the specified player wins the game.
        Upon such a win, all existing stones are transferred to Agora.

The Stones
        The following stones are defined, one per paragraph, with the
        following format: Stone Name (Frequency, Escape Risk): Effects.

        - Power Stone (weekly, 40%): The wielder specifies an unresolved
          Agoran Decision and a player; that player's voting strength on
          that decision is increased by 3.

I don't think this works under R2422:

       The voting strength of an entity on an Agoran decision is an
       integer between 0 and 5 inclusive, defined by rules of power 2
       or greater.

This Rule may give have power >= 2, but the Rule itself isn't defining that player's voting strength, even if it gives effect to a Stone that does.

        - Wealth Stone (weekly, 25%): The specified player earns 7 coins.

        - Time Stone (weekly, 50%): Specify an act of wielding a different
          stone that was performed in the last 7 days; the effects of that
          previous wielding are undone.  This is not retroactive.

        - Reality Stone (monthly, 40%): Specify a valid value for an
          instance of any unsecured switch; that switch is flipped to that

Some ramifications here:

- Flipping Ribbon Ownership to get a free win

- Flipping the Officeholder of an Office

- Changing AI of proposals

- Changing judge of a CFJ

- And, for fun, INFINITE KARMA (not that that affects anything at all)

Not that it's a bad idea, but it has a lot of potential impacts. (It also may point to the need for more switches to be secured.)

        - Space Stone (monthly, 25%): Create a Spaceship in the possession
          of the specified player.

RIP Spaaace

        - Mind Stone (monthly, 50%): Act on behalf of any specified player
          to support or object to a specified dependent action, or
          withdraw support or objection from a specified dependent action.

Who acts on behalf of that person? The stone applies its own effects, not the wielder.

        - Soul Stone (weekly, 50%): The Soul Stone is transferred to the
          owner of a different specified stone, and that stone is
          simultaneously transferred to the wielder.

[Other stone ideas very welcome!]

Jason Cobb

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